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RE: Getting paperwork done in a 3rd world country: A Tolkien worthy odyssey

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

This is so true. I made the opposite move and nobody will ever hear me complain about First World Red Tape anymore. Asides from the fact that in this development nation the red tape is much longer, requires many, many more forms and processes are much slower (let’s just blame the hot weather, shall we), the red tape also needs to be repeated across many more departments because every department wants to be involved and possibly get their claws in the cookie jar too.

Nowadays, whenever I hear a First Worlder complain about burocracy I can but resort to my most eloquent English and retort: Cry me a frakkin’ river.


LOL! I so relate to that last part... Though mine is more like 'Burrrn' :D

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