Open Letter: Revolt. An Essay. A Manifesto. A passionate scream to the void and deaf ears. Call out a warning.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #busy6 years ago


I'm not paying somebody to control my information. Beyond that, I'll happily hack the fuck out of the FCC itself, and destroy every single member of its board. They're all comcast execs anyway. They don't count, as far as humans go. These are what the Giants have become - and Giants eat people. The guy looks like Kumar, and behaves the same way. Which would be fine if he wasn't mocking everyone and saying "Oh you can still share your memes and use your facebooks!" as if it even makes sense.

So what do we do? Ignore the federal government that has no genuine claims to power. Cease paying federal taxes (ESPECIALLY YOU, COPS AND JUDGES). Start paying 35% to the state you live in.

State Congresses: if you would like to have law abiding citizens who pay your paychecks entirely, acknowledge that you are to be our servants and outright slaves. Don't like it? Stop being a damn parasite and make your own money. Otherwise, a soft coup. Again. And again. And again. Until you, too, are destroyed. Take the 35%, do not pay it to the federal government. Interact economically with tariffs, and treat other states as sovereign entities.

Most importantly. Law enforcement and military. If you are law enforcement, refuse to enforce unjust law. If you are law enforcement - understand I will personally destroy whatever reputation you have, if you do not obey this command, from your OWNER. Again, we pay your bills. We feed your families. And you are sworn to serve and protect ... US. NOT YOU. NOT THE STATE. NOT THE LAW.

Military. Leave the federal level. Return to your states of residence, and function as each state's defense force against the currently dominating system.

And you, public. You ... are the worst. Complacency deserves death. It really does. The sidelines are a place for the disgusting selfish of the world, and you belong to Hell. That said - repent. Change. Start with this:

Terrorism: A form of governmental domination and power centralization through threats and perceived threats. Why do you think we have thirty times the OFFENSE budget of the next five countries combined? Because they very much want you scared. Scared of exactly what they, in fact, are. Scared of "terrorists." Is a suicide bomber or school shooter a terrorist? No. They are a product OF terror. The terrorist regime of the United States, is the Federal government ...

Which isn't even within the United States. If you don't live in DC, they have zero claim to you. You are sovereign. The thing is ... until we're all on board ...

We just reap the shit we didn't bother to sow. And so, you should starve in suffering to understand just what we do to "third world" countries. Any idea what "third world" means? No. No you do not ...

Now learn. Now educate. Now warn others. Now HEAR ME. STAND THE FUCK UP. This is all exactly why we left England to begin with. My God has a set of Laws for me ... they disagree with Federal laws and State laws. What's that mean? God trumps ALL. ALWAYS. PERIOD. I will die serving God and following ONLY his law. Fuck the state, fuck the leach, fuck the dollar sign. Fuck the bloodbath. Fuck the drugged up military abusing our poor, poor children and men. And now women too ... who actually were so deceived as to demand this for decades.

Women ... what ... is wrong with you all? What the fuck. You see men going to work every day and suffering horribly. You see your kids with no Dad, growing up with no direction. You see your kids eaten up by the schools you trust. Murdered by the cops you trust. Enslaved by the country you trust. And now? Now you MUST work. You are not simply allowed the option, you have to ... Got a kid? No you don't. That kid doesn't even KNOW you.

So answer me this. Is it time to wake up? Or time to go back to sleep, until the country is nothing? Washington State alone would be one of the bigger countries and economic powers, all on its own. If we keep our military men here, the US itself has no way to enforce their forced authority game. And what's even the threat?

Shoot me? Great. Martyr. That will immortalize the idea, and force the hands. Go for it.

Imprison me? Fine. At least then I'm fed daily and housed, at the cost of $40,000 per year. Outside? I'm limited to poverty and struggle. Makes sense right ....

And how many of you believe you made yourselves? With Daddy's money in hand ... and yet, you'll tell others they are not trying hard enough, and attack them, and think they deserve not to have the Dollars that you are preventing them from having. And why? You assume someone else will take responsibility.

Rise up. Fight. TAKE your freedoms. They cannot control a soul. They cannot control a mind. They cannot control passion. They cannot put out the flames I will personally burn them down in.

Join me.

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