
Wow !dramatoken 🤣🔥

Why someone has not yet created a circlejerk token on Steem engine is beyond me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Why someone has not yet created a circlejerk token on Steem engine is beyond me.

Keep your ideas to yourself or else someone else might steal it. Haha, I'm too lazy and too broke for it.

Stop hurting folks feelings pls

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe it could be classified as that... However auto upvoting every shit on 15mins wothout reading/interacting and pumping massivr payouts is neither social nor networking.

Yep, this shit post is STEEM in a nutshell. The creator of SFR gets bot voted to top and I get flagged for tagging it as spam.

Except.... your logic is flawed.

It wasn't voted to the top and you weren't flagged.

It's a nice sad story though.

[x] this is a shitpost
[x} SFR creator's comment was bot voted to top
[x] i was flagged for tagging this shitpost as spam
[ ] logic fail

This is a shitpost... _ Yes it is and it is earning .63 cents.

Who is SFR?

I can't decide how others use their stake.

You sound angry.

Sounds like your complaint is with autovoters, instead of circle jerkers.

Get it straight. :)

Straight as it can be... These two things are not the same.

99.5% of circle jerks are subset of a set of autovoters.

But meh.... Take care

I don't use autovoters but many do.

I need to get in on this drama!

Posted using Partiko Android

Except it isn't spam. :) It actually gives a real token. In addition whomever calls it gets a vote.

Don't be so dramatic.


Reward pool rapists and downvoters are heavily invested in DRAMA tokens - no surprise there.

There is no such thing as reward pool rape.
There is only allocation of the reward pool by stakeholders.
That is not to say they all make good decisions.

No surprise that people who are here to farm for free, resent those who can afford to purchase and hold.

I'll be back to flag all the multiaccounting discorlolkids as soon as price drops below $0.20, enjoy your spammy circlejerk in the meantime.

I am looking forward to it and will welcome your flags! We really do need more of that.

You've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

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