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RE: WTF Austrailia?

in #busy6 years ago

I am all to aware of Americans short comings and I write about them often. Making fun of American stupidity is one of my favorite pass times. I mean they are having a flat earth conference in Denver, 15% of the population thinks you get chocolate milk from brown cows, and that is just todays news. I am deaply saddened to hear that I can't ask you for a baby kangaroo though.


chocolate milk from brown cows

Maybe that explains why Cadbury milk chocolate tastes so bad in America!! I binned them after discovering they didn’t use enough milk like they did for their Australian version. It tasted awful! I survived on Lindt chocolate while I was there. So maybe there just wasn’t enough brown cows to make milk for drinking AND chocolate. Too much focus being put into researching pink cows for real strawberry milk I suppose...

I’m afraid I can’t give you a joey too. I was shocked to discover we can have them as an exotic pet in Victoria (the only state that can), but it’s not at all common. They’re a wild animal that need a lot of space...But if you insist on an Aussie animal pet, I can look into exporting you a possum. Would you like just one? Or can I try to send you over a few dozen? I’m at war with them but it’s illegal to kill possums. They piss and shit all over our car, so that might be a deal breaker for you...

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