@booster916 was right. I am an idiot sandwich.

in #busy7 years ago

So 2 days ago I did a thing and tried my hand at delegating 100sp to a bot. I figured what the hell, why not. @booster916 instantly told me it was a mistake. I figured how bad could it be? It couldn't be worse than my choices in ex girlfriends so i went ahead and did it anyways. You were right, I did not like it. Made about $0.38 usd but the bad part was i could no longer upvote my followers and the people i follow like i would like which is more important to me than the income aspect.

New plan. I have talked to @beeyou about delegating to the #newbieresteemday so after my cool down period for 7 days i am going to send at least 50 sp their way and that should leave me with enough to take care of MY people actively while still helping some starters on the platform. Then i will cash out a bit of bitcoin drop it in steem and i may just make my own contest to let some newbies compete for a weekly delegation. Because i love competition. I might call it ..........

Welcome to thunderdome

A doomsdaychassis production

Maybe i can talk @trumpman into helping me brainstorm a competition. We will let some of these young bucks throw their creative hats in the ring and punch it out weekly for 50 or 100 sp. You want original content? I will get you original content the only way i know how.


First, this is awesome @dommsdaychassis! I am so happy to hear you behind the project! I'm sure you will see how it will be a way that can really make a difference to a newbie just learning what is going on. I have seen firsthand people say that we helped them through those critical first few weeks and it makes every effort worth it! I'm sure you will make @coolguy123 happy too as it validates his idea and contribution. Up to now he has been the only delegator, so it has got to be a great feeling to know that someone else sees the value!

Thank you very very much! You have made my day!!! :)

ps... love the gladiator... My favorite movie of all time!

I will be honest with you, I am newbie as new gets, I am a late january join so I still have a ton to learn. The only way i made it through the first month or so was because I am a stuborn jackass that refuses to quit. I am more than happy to help some people get rolling. the memory of trying to post something i thought was important only to find bandwith exceeded would pop up and drive me to insanity. I am just happy i can help. Hopefully with the knowledge i get from curation trails and such i can make some money and double down on delegation. I never forget the ones that help me. That is why i always show my appreciation to @trumpman . He was the only one that gave enough of a shit to try and help me and I personally feel like I owe him a lot for that little bit of guidence he threw out for me. Honestly he is probably tired of me saying thank you by now . lol

ps . gladiator, braveheart, and 300 are in my top 7 favorite movies for sure

haha... mine too! I was telling @beeyou a couple of weeks ago that she should see both gladiator and braveheart... And I promise you that @trumpman will not get tired of hearing your appreciation! I am very happy to see that you jumped on board with barely and introduction... That shows a lot about your character and its a pleasure to connect to you.

As far as you being still new, we have many that will make you feel welcome (including me)... Have you connected to discord yet? If so you should connect to me there so I can answer directly any questions davemccoy#2479 ... if you aren't on discord yet, you are in for a treat... We have our own server there that has many of us there all the time to help each other learn... Here is our server invite:


Also never hesitate to ask me anything, I am in complete agreement with this statement:

I never forget the ones that help me.

I fully grasp and embrace that concept! I will let @coolguy123 know that you have also delegated to @newbieresteemday and I know he will be happy to hear that he has a compadre out there working along side him! I'm proud to give you this newbie nickel and thanks for taking the leap and joining our cause! :)

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #newbieresteemday this week!


nrd giphy.gif

#newbieresteemday always recommends our sponsors!

Awesome man. I will try and get the discord account setup in the next couple days. So far on my new list of things to do that I did not know i had to do 3 hours ago are

get a discord account
-learn how to use it
get ginabot
-learn how to use it
get steemauto
-learn how to use it

what have i done? I feel like i have hit the reset button on steemit.

hahaha.. the good thing is they are all really easy... so no worries, you have good teachers too.. I see that @lynncoyle1 has joined @beeyou in welcoming you.. You are in great hands and will find they are a lot fun too! you will fit right in!

Thanks for checking in @davemccoy ... I'm not sure if @beeyou had a specific question for you though?

No idea why Dave mentioned me Lynn.

I did direct him to our gladiators, perhaps that's where the mixup happened?

awww @doomsdaychassis, your little space dog makes me want to send you a big fat internet hug !!!

Discord at first seems confusing, like steemit-confusing, but in no time it will make perfect sense. Have you tried to do it yet? Because I'll help you if you're stuck. Once you set that up, then I can give you a link to ginabot, which really is just another friend you'll add on your list, but she is awesome. When you click on her face in your list of friends, you can scroll through all the notifications which include stuff you've said, stuff others have said to you (but you already get that in 'replies' and 'comments'....so what's the big deal?) Here it is: If I mention your name anywhere, she notifies you of that. It's awesome. No one can talk behind you're back because she'll tell you about it. Best girlfriend ever.

never tried discord at all yet. I will deffinatly take you up on the offer. I am getting ready to get some shut eye for the night. Eye lids are getting heavy.

ok, hit me up tomorrow if you're looking for help :) Have a great night!

good job.. and that is why you are the Queen of engagement :)

I haven't been here long enough to have forgotten that feeling...'I'm so damn confused' kinda feeling ;)

discord account made.

no idea what i am doing still

steem auto created

following newbieresteem and that cryptkeeper fella
It has me paused forever. i have settings set at 80% and my vote power is at 90% so i am not sure what is going on.

still putting off gina bot

not ready to have her take over my life just yet. i already have a wife for that. I will get around to it ina day or so.

I love, love Marie's gif!

it is amazing isn't it? I love it too and you should tag her so that he sees your compliment. @amariespeaks kicks ass ...

hehehe if we build her up then she can use her talent and do these for everyone ;)

Thank you @davemccoy for this encouragement as always. Happy to see a new delegator to support few extra posts with the additional voting power the @newbieresteemday account will have.

It feels great to see some extra support and I am sure @doomsdaychassis has come thru that newbie status and knows about the issues faced by newbies and hence this delegation.

Good going and hopefully we will have many supporters as we move on.

Not a problem at all. I remember the bandwith issue all to well. Hopefully this helps us bring good content to steemit and starts to move out the bot dominated trending page and moves in a good original content trending page. A man can dream right? :)

I agree with you on this point. Ofcourse dreams should be there as those only will enable someone to achieve something.

Discord is done. same screen name as here. I guess steemauto is next.

keep knocking them out.. ;) ... I sent you a friend request on discord, make sure to add me when you see it!

Will do. I am going to have to sit down tonight and figure out how to navigate on there for a bit.

I'm going to reply back to @davemccoy on here since I know you don't have gina yet, and wouldn't know I mentioned you if I replied to Dave.

Better sign up for all those accounts. ;)

I have never seen Braveheart, but LOVE gladiator and 300. How can any girl not love those ripped muscles?! Come on @lynncoyle1, chime in here. We need to kick Fabio and Legolas out of our mind now... I mean, remember all those abs and muscles in just the right places?! ;)

You cheated us of the full eye candy. Oh the injustice of it all. Must have been men who created all these giphys. We need a full frontal view, right @lynncoyle1? I'll tag @davemccoy too, since he told me to watch braveheart. Will that compare to this Dave?

I thought i was having an acid flash back or something. As soon as i scrolled down to the gif Clint Black - like the rain started in the back ground on a play list

and I heard the rain noise while looking at the gif . I was like

LOL! Took you back, back to some good times, huh? Clint Black has to be better than the memory of the weird gothic girl from high school. I'm sure!

We all have good hearts and we are all fun! You'll fit right in.

Oh , you have no idea. Maybe that can be the first contest, tell us your craziest true story/ expierence. i will throw out a 50 steem delegation as a reward. I have a feeling it could get very interesting.

I saw that one, but just couldn't get myself to post it. Afterall, I have an image to uphold on here. ;)

Appreciate your posting it though..@lynncoyle1 and @davemccoy, thoughts?

Welp if you read any of my blogs you know my upstanding pillar of society image is shot all to hell. I am just a good ol boy that likes to race cars, drink beer, laugh and have an all around good time. I have a good reputation and don't rip anyone off though so i got that going for me. :)

I'm surprised that you are still awake and now I know why... hahaha :)


They may be staying away from this one. They have an image to uphold too!

Understandable. Though it is all work safe...........

nawww my image was shot when I used those 4 letter words the other day

hahaha good one @beeyou and @lynncoyle1 just fainted

She may have, @lynncoyle1 is awfully quiet. I mean, for the queen of engagement, she's silent on this matter.

hahaha @beeyou, can't argue with either of your choices there !!

see you and @beeyou are like little devils out here causing all kinds of trouble.. Poor @doomsdaychassis has no idea what fun he is in store for!

@beeyou started it dad :)

I blame it on @doomsdaychassis. I wrote descriptive words, he gave us the images!

hahaha... I should've know.. Now I know why you watch those movies :P

So the problem you experienced was more that you delegated too much of your power and had too little left for other activities, not that the bot was inherently bad or dishonest?

for what i put in the return was almost nothing and then it cut my power down to shit so i couldn't upvote you guys. :)
gotta take care of my people.

Why the heck did you delegate to a bot? Give them to me, Ill put them into better use 😂😂

Because I am an idiot and also because i wanted to try it. It was a bad idea ya know, like banging that weird goth chick in high school but then she gets all clingy and stalks you. I do dumb stuff. :)

Lol, my virgin eyes will pretend not to have read this!

Lol. Sorry, I am a bit blunt most of the time. I will try and reign it in a bit. Sometimes my mouth / fingers work way faster than my brain does.

I say keep your power to upvote people that produce stuff you like and interact with you so in the end the people that give you upvotes will have more weight.
in the short run you may be getting a little extra money now when in the long run your "community" wont have the upvote value they could have because everyone was spending it on services to make some change.

IMO atleast.

I love this regular show GIF!! so cool!

Thank you!
Im glad people are enjoying it.

well I just now dumped some more fiat in my account so i can upvote your ass. i am gonna upvote everyone here then give them their 50 sp today. :)

Its just my opinion on it.
with the way prices are going with everything its hard to tell what the market will do next.

fuck it. you only live once and my family all die young so i am going to make it rain.

thats gona be the hardest part in a world based in crypto, no more making it rain!

Oh my god i have a great stripper story to go with that but this is really not the right place for that. I will tell you another day.

6 more cool down days and i will have the 100 sp back and i will be right back to where i was. I just like to help, you know i am going to take care of you and everyone that has been good to me. That's what i do brother. We have way more messed up stuff to talk about than fruit on the bottom yogurt :)

i agree, best thing one could do for their "community" is support the others in it. if everyone does the same then we will all grow in the long run.

Holy shit, I did not expect that. my wife was staring at me like i was crazy i was laughing so hard

Let the games begin!!! If you are on discord here is my handle charisma777#1683 would love to see what kind of contests we could come up with there are many others there who would love to help!

awesome to see you jump right in @charisma777... you never dissappoint!!! :D

ps.. congrats on the ABC's of Curation getting some love! ;)

I feel like I am missing an opportunity to make a dirty joke about my my name putting the D in the title but I should probably not go there..........

sounds good. i will try and open a discord account in the next couple days. I have about 6.5 more days until I can do anything anyways.

I’m playing with the exact same idea, just have not made up my mind yet about how to do it.
Drop by the brainstorm room in the #newbieresteemday channel, like @beeyou proposed.
Maybe we can come up with ideas how to make this happen...

Hey you screwed up doomsdaychassis, but that's alright, unless you delegated to the hotelcaliforniacultbot you can leave at some point. I actually delegated SP right when the bandwidth problem started on here a few months back, delegated like 30 of my 36 or so SP at the time. So that is way dumber than what you did, if that makes you feel any better. But it actually worked out really well as the guy I delegated to I met up with and he had grown a lot over that time and now I work with him on our curation trail and chat with him a lot on discord, so even that wasn't really much a loss at all. If you are looking at a nice little push on a post daily feel free to give our cryptkeeper17 curation trail on steemauto a shot. You get a decent start on your posts, I actually recommend users to set it up so that it doesn't take you past a point daily that your voting power can recover back to 100% daily. Also we vote at ideal times for max curation, and give higher voting percentages to those with more SP and some other criteria to make it as a fair possible. I monitor my vote activity which the trail follows when I upvote posts (not comments, just posts) so you are not shackled to only vote for a few people. Actually it's geared so that you have around half of your voting power left daily to vote for people outside of the trail as well if you wish. I would be curious on your thoughts/questions on this as you seem to be a very prime candidate to benefit from the upvotes + curation rewards.

LOL that does make me feel a bit better i guess, That curration trail sounds good. Can you assign more than 1 trail to follow? I would also like to follow the newbierestreem trail if possible. I have to look into steem auto as I have not used it yet.

Yep you certainly can, that's the really cool thing about that, if you adjust your settings correctly it will not destroy your voting power everyday. I would be more than willing to help you with that. BTW our trail does follow newbieresteemday as well.

Boom. 2 birds, 1 stone. NICE

To join ours all you do is go to steemauto, select the curation trail tab, search trail name cryptkeeper17. After selecting that trail as a follow if you type in a weight of 40% that you are following. Vote it at 0 minutes as I have them all set at ideal curation times. If you are in steembasic income or qurator you will want to go to your fanbase and search them both at set their voting weights for you at 100% and at 24 minutes so that none of your vote values are effected with them. Let me know if you have questions, I am always helping bounce ideas back and forth with people as well as providing daily updated info that I feel you should know. You can contact me anytime on discord cryptkeeper17#6637, I am on there a lot as well.

You have taken a good decision to delegate some SP to @newbieresteemday and lend a supporting hand to new joiners.

We all have started with that rep of 25 and know how hard it is to grow as a Steemian and these kind of supporting acts to newbies will surely add value to the cause initiated by @mudcat36, @davemccoy and others and I am sure your decision to take back from bot and delegate it to newbie account will be appreciated.

Good day :)

I feel good about the decision. I remember all to well the frustration of the bandwidth limits.

Great to know that my friend. Bandwidth issue are always frustrating when you want to post something but you can't.

Thanks and have a good day :)

Thank you so much for that @doomsdaychassis!! I'm so glad you stumbled upon @beeyou's post, took notice, and offered your generous assistance. I am so pleased to meet another steemian who finds value in helping new folks here. And yes,

get these young bucks [to] throw their creative hats in the ring

It's the only way to go so they too realise their worth here!! Nice job, thank you again!!

And by the way, you only get to be an idiot sandwich once haha You strike me as someone who wouldn't be one a second time ;)

my dad always said " it is better to learn from others mistakes, it hurts a lot less that way". So hopefully someone can learn from my mistakes. I always remember the ones that bite, I don't like getting burned twice.
:) glad to be part of the team.

That's good advice! My dad was all about us learning our own lessons. He would say, "I'll give you just enough rope to hang yourself with." Dads! He was no Ward Cleaver, I'll tell you that ;)

I have written a few stories about my dad so far on here. my dad was quite the character to say the least.

yep, mine too. I think it used to be a prerequisite ;)

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