Precious Metals Plunged Recently, Don't Be Dissuaded By The Drop

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

I have refrained from giving too much advice here on Steemit about my real job. That is due to two main reasons, 1) this is an escape from my real world and I talk enough about markets and money with my clients and 2) it is impossible to give people blanket advice without knowing their individual financial and personal situation. Everyone is different and that means that they react different to each and every circumstance that presents itself.

No Crystal Balls For You

Any gurus that "claim" to know what will happen next (in any investment) are selling you something (most of the time its called bullshit), and you should be looking for their angle. I have been in this industry for 33 years and have seen a lot during that time frame. I have witnessed all the tricks and games that people use to get people to "think" they know what is happening next.

But the bottom line is that NOBODY (that you will ever talk to) has a crystal ball. Note: there are people with a crystal ball, but they are like the Wizard of Oz and you will never get on the inside with these scumbag bankers.

Look For What They Are NOT Telling You

It has been said that markets exist to separate the most people from their money. While I don't completely buy that concept, I do believe there is enough truth there to heed the message. In order to do that I have learned a simple trick that has helped me a lot in the last 10 years of my career. The trick is simple and very useful and can be applied to more than just money as well.

I have learned to pay attention to both a) what they are telling me and b) what they are not telling me. By doing so, I have been able to stay away from the herd and keep from being the proverbial "pig that got slaughtered".

The reason this is important is because there are many messages that are being driven by the massive propaganda machine on a minutely basis. The TV programs and newspapers, and all the pundits associated with them, are all connected to this machine and knowingly or not are a part of the effort to steer people in a particular direction. This is how we get bubbles and how groupthink works in real time.

So when it comes to investing your hard earned money, you should listen as much or more to what they are NOT telling you than what they are currently pitching with full force.

Precious Metals Are Plunging, So What?

Gold Chart Last 12 Months

gold chart.PNG


If you look at the chart above you will notice that Gold has just made a new low for the last 12 months. In doing so it has broken support and on a technical basis and looks poised to go lower. Note: I use gold as the main metal, but this applies to all the precious metals too.

If you listen to the financial news gurus, they have been telling you all day that its a bad time to own gold. In fact, they have put up their fancy charts and given you very "valid-sounding" arguments to explain why you shouldn't buy and in many cases told you to sell. They are very convincing if you are not used to hearing the pitches day in and day out for 30 years.

As for me, I'm not listening to what they are telling me. I'm instead focused on what they are not saying. I can see the price move for myself, and sure it made a new 52 week low. In my eyes that simply means I can buy it cheaper. Who doesn't like a good sale? In my eyes, I can get more silver with my next monthly purchase for the same fiat I am planning to part with.

What they are not telling us is how the currencies around the world are "managed". What they are not telling us is the people that are doing the management have had to resort to a massive amount of money printing in order to stabilize the system (worldwide). What they are not telling us is that many (if not most) countries now have debts and obligations that are unlikely to ever be repaid (without inflation). What they are not telling us is that the central banks of many countries (including Russia, China, and Turkey) are regular buyers of gold. What they are not telling us is how fast the system will unravel once the wheels go in motion.

So to conclude, for me... for my personal investment situation... I am not dissuaded at all from buying more precious metals since it made a new 52-week low. I plan on making my purchases according to my plan and look at this as an opportunity for me to get more ounces for the same amount of money!

Disclosure: This is not personal investment advice in any way. It is merely my thoughts about the precious metals market as a whole and my own reaction to a particular price event. You should never invest yourself without doing your own proper due diligence and/or seeking the advice of a financial professional who you can trust.

My "highly recommended" witness votes will now be added to my posts. I hope you add them as your witness and to your posts too!


Main Image source


Nice writeup! I am with you 100% on this. I've been buying ounces of silver for a few months now. With the new drop in price, my silver investments are technically in the red but it doesn't bother me. It just means I can get some more at a cheaper price.

My only dilemma right now is that I am not done with work until the coinshop and bank closes, so I am sitting on fiat that I need/want to invest, but I am unable to.

I use the online shops for those occasions! ... If I'm buying in bulk I go to and for small amounts I go to JM Bullion (which has no shipping fee)... Be careful though, they have the good stuff, but they also have some high markup items in there too... I limit myself to essentially bullion, and the less markup the better ;)

Yeah I considered buying online as soon as I can get to my bank on time. Will definitly look into those two!

@bitfiend cool.... The good thing about the metals when they get in this phase, its not so much of getting it at the exact time, its spending the time to get to it. I love these prices and will be placing my own order in the next 5 days ;)

Good point! I'm certainly making the time for it and I know I'll thank myself in the future for making it!

@bitfiend absolutely! Fade the dips when the sellers are coming... I have never regretted it in any of my long term investments. ;)

Im with ya! Great post

Thanks... And I've seen it before so many times, I love to fade in buy this market.

While they distract you with the right hand, they pick your pocket with the left.....

While they distract you
With the right hand, they pick your
Pocket with the left.....

                 - sparkesy43

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I know one of my coworkers decided to pick up like 500 troy ounces of silver recently between $16-18 an ounce.

It's gonna be some nice returns when the price rises again.

yes... I think of it like every ounce will one day be worth a $100 bill. It might take many years, but its a nice thing to know you have socked away somewhere! I try to buy mine in a monthly or every other month type purchase... It has averaged out nicely over time because I get more if it goes lower! :)

Wait, Steemit isn't your real job?!?!


hahaha... it seems like that some days, but no its not :P

Thanks very much for this informative post. My attention has been on the crypto market and I was completely unaware of the precious metal market. I love a good sale in any market so I will definitely research and act on this.

You should also do a how-to post in how to purchase precious metals for beginners guide. I would be all over that post (hint hint).

and when you get ready to make a purchase, just message me on discord... I will make sure you get the right thing... All the places have things you also DON'T want to buy too.... So if you are ready I can walk you through it on discord and teach you pretty easy!

This sounds good. I think more people would be interested. Including me ;)

@stevelivingston awesome... yes it is a nice time to start fading in... It doesn't mean this is the exact low, it just means you get it cheaper than everyone this year ;) ... For me that's good enough and a good thing to keep adding to!

Yes, it's definitely an area that I've been looking into adding to and a little bit every month looks like the best approach. Cheers

@stevelivingston awesome... I agree that is the way! Over time it does add up and I've never heard anyone complain that they have too much stacked away!

Thanks Dave. You are the man!

@mellofello, any time! Always happy to help you for sure!

That is a tough one since there are so many ways it can be bought... I know one thing, you should always know your lowest price per ounce and work from there. I use 2 places usually, and Gainesville has the best prices usually, but they have shipping costs so I only use them when I'm buying over 200 ounces at a time (which I try to)... And jmbullion is always no shipping costs, so if you are buying 5 to 25 ozs then they are a heckuva deal. I also always try to buy 1 oz rounds (unless there is a big sale on something else)... They are the cheapest to spot (usually around no mark up to $0.25 at GV and around $0.45 at JM with no extra shipping)

I'm glad I caught your attention here Mello... I think it is something good to put away a little at a time. You don't gold and silver to really trade it, I think you buy it more to protect yourself in the event we get flipped like they did in the old soviet union. You will be glad you did put away some if that ever happens, and btw it certainly could.

It would be awesome to save up that big stack of gold bars that you have on your intro pic, but the reality is I would probably be able to afford one of two of these right now, lol.

10g gold.jpg

@mellofello that's not bad... believe me that will add up if you keep adding a few here and there! Its a good way to save and forget about it... Just don't forget where you put em ;)

Haha. I’ll make sure to draw a map marking the precise numbers of steps and how many feet to dig so that I will never forget where I hid them.

@mellofello 😂 ... yes and if you start wearing an eyepatch be careful people might just start looking for your treasure ;)

Arrrrrr matey, leave me gold alone, haha.

shsss... don't talk like that, people will figure it out even without the eyepatch ;)


Hey, @davemccoy! It's good to see you out and about here, even if you are taking your work to Steemit. :) And why not? Sometimes, there's a need for your expertise, and this is definitely one of them.

I've been eyeing silver for a very long time, and one of these days, I'm just going to do it. Maybe I should think about it now, but I've been more interested in what STEEM is doing. Who knows why? Oh, I do! I'm working with it every day!

I wish we could get people to quit trying to herd the rest of us in any direction. I wish they would just leave well enough alone. Provide good information, let us decide. Don't create, fear and loathing in precious metals or crypto. Let it ride.

But, of course, they can't. Too much power. Too much wealth. And they want it all for themselves, because they're the only ones superior and worthy enough. It's herd or be herded. So, herd they must.

Hey Glen! Yes its good to be out and about... I will have to go catch up on my messages tommorow :) ...

And I've bought it as low as $3 and stopped for awhile and started fading it again after it hit $50 last time and dropped back below $20... Now I buy it every month and just put it away... I don't think the next time we see $50 it will stop there. Just my guess, but I like how its something I can hold onto over time.

And yes it would be awesome if people didn't herd us, but unfortunately that isn't going to happen in our lifetimes. As you correctly said, too much wealth and power. The best we can do is to be aware and realize that's what they are trying to do. It definitely helps my investment decisions once I realized that was the game.

Good to see you Glen and I will catch back up with you tomorrow in my replies ;)

Very good point.. I wasn't aware precious metals were at that much of a low. Thanks for sharing man

Yes they have been pounding them the last few days... I personally love it when they do this. And glad you liked it :)

Good stuff. I just got a little more today. I just keep buying regardless of the price, but I have extra incentive when the prices are low.

yes me too... when prices drop I start searching for things to sell or ways to earn some more money so I can add more :P ...

btw, I still owe you the pic... I haven't forgotten... I have half a roll that I haven't found a tube for so I will be taking that pic for you when I can find the time!

Smart man. I like to buy while things are on sale. :)

Take your time. I'd still like to see the pictures when you get a chance though.

@themanwithnoname me too... getting more of the same thing definitely helps a bruised ego by not buying the bottom!

Great post chief. I've always bought gold and always will. Couldn't agree more with the content of the post. :)

@mudcat36 awesome to hear! Somehow that doesn't surprise me, you are a wise old man in a young man's body! ;)

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