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RE: Sci-fi Novel - Underground City - Part 24

in #busy5 years ago

Chinese telecom goliath Huawei has downgraded two workers for posting a New Year welcoming on the organization's authentic Twitter account utilizing an iPhone made by chief adversary Apple, an inner notice appeared.
Huawei ousted Apple a year ago from its situation as the world's second-greatest cell phone dealer, underneath worldwide number one Samsung.
Yet, in an advertising error, the Chinese organization wished adherents an "Upbeat #2019" in a tweet on New Year's Day — stamped sent "by means of Twitter for iPhone".
Video maker Marques Brownlee shared a screen capture of the post with his three million Twitter devotees before Huawei erased it and sent another, this time stamped "sent by means of Twitter Media Studio".
One anonymous representative and Huawei's chief of advanced promoting were downgraded and had their month to month compensation cut by 5,000 yuan ($730), as indicated by the update broadly shared on China's Twitter-like stage Weibo and seen by AFP.

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