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RE: Steem clone Weku looks a little shady

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

Hi @littleboy, thanks for bringing this post to my attention. I recently got appointed as a "Weku Community Moderator" by the team, which astonished me as I've been very openly critical about the Weku Team's way of running and developing this clone. Here's my profile over there since my @d-pend account was taken by an impersonator.

For me to detail my thoughts on Weku would take a very long post or series of posts, but I'll do my best to summarize here as brief as possible.

Issues of the platform:

  1. Rampant plagiarism
  2. Rampant spam
  3. Identity theft
  4. Account faucet farming
  5. Upvote farming on comments
  6. Somewhat sparse communication from team
  7. No blockchain explorers as code isn't open source
  8. Unenforceable rules like "one person one account," "no bots" etc.
  9. Massive whales of 300,000+ WP by people who were in the rewards pool at the very beginning

and many more such as are present on STEEM. The system itself is a clone of HF19 version of STEEM with "extensive changes" to quote the response I got from Kevin Zou in an email. The main difference I know of is a lower inflation rate as of WeKu HF20 which was a few days ago and lowered the rate to 5% annually.

@initminer is their sole witness during beta, after which Kevin stated it will be a similar system to STEEM. Code will also go open source at that point. I'd recommend looking at their whitepaper if you haven't to see the difference in their alleged trajectory of development.

There's way too much to comment on right now, but here's my first report working as a moderator for a week or so. Soon, I will post about what I know about the current differences between WeKu and Steemit as well as the game theory dilemmas both share.


Interesting info. I’ve also been of the opinion that Weku is very questionable, so I’m not willing to sign up. Cloning Steem’s open source elements is great, but I can’t stand that the whole site right down to the FAQ is blatant plagiarism of Steemit. I don’t think that gives anyone a leg to stand on to fight plagiarism within the community.
Any info on why there are 3 different Weku front ends already as well? Deals.weku, news.weku, and one.weku? Just curious, either way I don’t see myself using it without a major revamp & reassuring developments.

Hey @bryan-imhoff, sorry for the late reply. Since this comment I've learned quite a bit more and met Kevin Zou and Eric Chen from the WeKu team in a video conference. Its legitimacy has increased quite a bit to me due to that, though I still feel they have very significant hurdles to overcome.

The reason for the different domain names is they have rolled out Communities like Steemit plans to in the future. Everything's on the same chain, but the front-end filters the posts out separately, so if you post on one, your blog will appear blank on the others until you engage there.

  1. is the main site, for now.
  2. is the Chinese portal. They have implemented the ability to create tags using Chinese characters, something Steemit at present does not offer.
  3. yeah... I don't actually know what this one is intended for, lol.

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