Earth, galaxies, the universe. The big questions of life. [EN/FR]

in #busy6 years ago

Hello community.

I am a big fan of the questions of life, whether on earth (the evolution of life) or the creation of galaxies to see the whole universe. It's still amazing to wonder what's on the distant planets in question. How it all began ? So many questions that may be solved one day.

Many people dream of being rich, but what is wealth without knowing it? Knowledge has always been wealth to me.

There would be 2,000 billion of galaxies ready without counting the billions of planets in each galaxy.


Are we going to be able to visit and colonize habitable planets of the Milky Way? Astronomers have already discovered potentially habitable planets.

Imagine all the beauty that the universe would have to offer us.

Yes many dreams that unfortunately we will never be able to live because of lack of technology. Will our descendants one day be able to achieve the impossible? Unfortunately I have big doubts. The explanation of my fears for our offspring? She is simple! The pollution we are living in our dear land!

Scientists predict global warming in the order of 2 to 5 degrees. Even if they are not suppositions because nothing proves to us that the catastrophe will not be more serious if nothing changes. Unfortunately the actions undertaken by world leaders do not seem to move and worry them more than that.

We are still talking about a catastrophe that will affect all civilization! Yes, in some cases to a lesser extent and others unfortunately in much more serious measures. Increased starvation (we are already unable to help our neighbor who is having problems feeding himself) What will happen if a lot of farmland is burned because of the heat? Not to mention the scarcity of water.

We could do a half-turn at 180 degrees and reduce to almost nothing our pollution but it is not likely to happen given the financial stakes of multinationals but also the change in lifestyle of the population who likes to live in its comfort.

There are still some basic actions that anyone could do.

1: Eat local (go buy in small shops that have short circuits with farmers)
2: Avoid all plastic packaging that causes pollution.
3: Think twice about who you will vote for and decide your future.
4: Do you see rubbish lying on the ground? Pick them up and hop in a trash can!


I also take the opportunity to remind you that there is a non-profit organization (@cleanplanet) active on steemit, which rewards the collection of waste.
Do you want to participate? Go for a walk, pick up trash. You create an article with the proofs of your good action and you will gain an upvote from @cleanplanet.

You can also contribute with a delegation of steem-power. Every gesture counts!

Hopefully the mindset changes and people react! The planet will continue to live with or without us but let us live with us as much as possible.

I hope this article will have you more. Feel free to respond in the comment bar.

Have a good day

Bonjour la communauté.

Je suis un grand passionné des questions de la vie, Que ce soit sur terre ( l’évolution de la vie ) ou bien la création des galaxies voir de l’univers tout entier.
C’est quand même incroyable de se demander ce qui se trouve sur les planètes lointaines en question. Comment tout à commencé ? Autant de questions qui seront peut être un jour résolues.

Beaucoup de personnes rêvent d’être riche, mais qu’est la richesse sans le savoir ? Le savoir a toujours été à mes yeux la richesse.

Il y aurait prêt de 2 000 milliards de galaxies sans compter les milliards de planètes que comptent chaque galaxie.


Allons nous pouvoir un jours visiter et coloniser des planètes habitable de la voie lactée ? Les astronomes ont déjà découvert des planètes potentiellement habitables.

Imaginez tous la beauté que l’univers aurait à nous offrir.

Oui beaucoup de rêves que malheureusement nous n'allons jamais pouvoir vivre faute de technologie. Notre descendance va-t-elle un jour pouvoir réaliser l’impossible ? Malheureusement j’ai de gros doutes. L’explication de mes craintes pour notre descendance ? Elle est simple ! La pollution que nous faisons vivre a notre cher terre !

Les scientifiques annoncent un réchauffement climatique de l’ordre de 2 à 5 degrés. Même si ce ne sont des suppositions car rien ne nous prouve que la catastrophe ne sera pas plus grave si rien ne change. Malheureusement les actions entreprissent par les dirigeants du monde n’ont pas l’air de bouger et de les inquiéter plus que ça.

Nous parlons quand même d’une catastrophe qui vas toucher tout la civilisation ! Certe dans certains cas de moindre mesure et d’autres malheureusement dans de bien plus graves mesures. Augmentation de la famine ( nous somme déjà incapable d’aider notre prochain qui a des problèmes pour se nourrir. Que va-t-il arriver si une grande partie des terres agricoles est brûlé à cause de la chaleur ? ) Sans parler de la pénurie de l’eau.

Nous pourrions faire un demi tour a 180 degrés et réduire quasiment à néant notre pollution mais ça ne risque pas d'arriver compte tenu des enjeux financiers des multinationales mais également du changement de train de vie de la population qui aime bien vivre dans son confort habituel.

Il reste quand même quelques actions basiques que tout un chacun pourrait faire.

1 : Manger local ( aller acheter dans de petits magasins qui ont des circuits court auprès des agriculteurs )
2 : Eviter tous les emballages plastique qui entraînent de la pollution.
3 : Réfléchir à deux fois pour qui vous allez voter et laisser décider de votre avenir.
4 : Vous voyez des déchets qui trainent au sol ? Ramassez les et hop dans une poubelle !


Je profite également de l’occasion pour vous rappeler qu’il y a une organisation non-profit ( @cleanplanet ) active sur steemit, qui récompense le ramassage des déchets. Vous souhaitez participer ? Allez vous promener, ramassez les déchets. Vous créez un article avec les preuves de votre bonne action et hop vous gagnerez un upvote de @cleanplanet.

Vous pouvez également contribuer avec une délégation de steem-power. Chaque geste compte !

Il faut espérer que la mentalité change et que les gens réagissent ! La planète continuera à vivre avec ou sans nous mais faisons en sorte qu'elle vive avec nous un maximum de temps.

J’espère que cette article vous aura plus. N'hésitez pas à réagir dans la barre des commentaires.

Bonne journée.



Great !
Yes ... environment is a principal occupation !
Thank you @criminalacorm for This mention ...
Hope that many poeole will be concern and join @cleanplanet.
@cleanplanet is here to reward good steemians who clean our world in action prooved by video or photography that they put trashs grab in Nature or city and put it in the public bin.
Nature is beautiful
See you guy

Many People think life is about money and dream of getting rich. They say "time is money" I say "what is money without time?". How would you spend your time if something happened on earth or in the universe that would change everything?

Very well said.

I would help a maximum of person but sincerely without having experienced a disaster nobody can know how he will react. Personally, I lost my father he is 1 years old (he was 53 years old) and before his death I worked without stop (days of minimum 12 hours to see days of 20 hours sometimes) I had a lot of money but all the money will not give you a life and all the money in the world will not give you a life.

Hopefully we can make it to Mars. I think everything else is out of our range/ability.

Yes Mars is at present the only planet potentially accessible. But one day, why not dream to go even further? But to be able to dream to go further. We must give a planet in a good state to the next generation.

There is a chance even Mars could be out of our ability but it sucks we haven't even been able to try and go to Mars yet.
We can dream but I think we would need some scifi technology to be able to make it out of our solar system and from what I have read Mars is the only potentially inhabitable planet in our solar system.
We do need to do a better job with our planet. If will be nice when we get all of our solar power up and running.

Hopefully, you all will first save your planet Earth before occupying and destroying another planet !!!

Great post my friend! I didn't know that you're interested in this topic and I'm glad I know now :D I have my telescope at home and I also love to think about our Cosmos :)

I think in the next 100-150 years if we survive as species, we will explore our Cosmos and be able to travel to more distant objects. This will take time but we're talking on a grand scale now.

So, it's up to us to preserve this beautiful planet, our only home, and give younger generations some hope. It doesn't seem like we're on a good way so we need to be louder about it.

I hope more people will start to ask the right questions and start to care about our planet and our civilization.

Thanks for the great post!

I have always been interested in galaxy, the universe etc I also love questions of life especially when im drunk haha :D I always wanted to know how the world/planets works its so fucking interesting. Anyway good post! I hope more people will care about our lovely earth.

thx, but yes it is often when we are drunk that we have the worst question about our history :D

You are right. I would like to know where we come from.

Yes it effects every one, time to go green.

Our planet Earth is like a star ship, we are moving with great speed, living planets such as Earth are very far today, so we must properly support our star ship and our home! Good post, I always ask such questions about the universe and about what surrounds us, we live with you at an amazing time.

I studied soil science and land resources management as my first degree. The waste,pollution and population effect on the earth really piqued my interest in class. So, I hope to get my masters and PhD in environmental science and work towards making a difference.

A really nice project you have going. Thank you.

Thank you, good luck for your study. If everyone works together, we will find solutions for the planet.

@criminalacorm Solar System, Galaxy, Universe: What's the Difference? Many people are not clear about the difference between our Solar System, our Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe.

Let’s look at the basics.

Our Solar System consists of our star, the Sun, and its orbiting planets (including Earth), along with numerous moons, asteroids, comet material, rocks, and dust. Our Sun is just one star among the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy. If we shrink the Sun down to smaller than a grain of sand, we can imagine our Solar System to be small enough to fit onto the palm of your hand. Pluto would orbit about an inch from the middle of your palm. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for the precision because it is true that many ignore the differences

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