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RE: The End Of Jobs... UBI

in #busy5 years ago

I've had a couple of different people come on my philosophy show discussing this idea and I think most people expect me to be onboard with it. I actually think it would work just like the minimum wage and welfare, which ultimately just subsidize and drive up the prices of everything, which would ultimately nullify the "value" that people are credited with. I think communist, socialist, and capitalist governments have proven that none of these systems allow for a "free lunch." People have to provide some sort of value to receive any sort of value from society or else we're just playing Robin Hood with tax money.

That being said, I think there's a lot of problems with our current system. Crony capitalism is fundamentally broken and leads to this illusions of a government doing what's in the best interest of its people, which is really just whatever the corporations lobbying the politicians say it is. Walmart actually was the biggest proponent of the last minimum wage hike and it was strategic to eliminate their competition. Amazon combated that by creating a system in which they don't have to pay taxes. These corporate interests lead to government protected or legally manipulative monopolies and thinking that any amount of UBI will result in anything other than the cost of everything increasing is kind of hilarious to me.

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