in #busy6 years ago
Inflation, recession, lack of supply, speculation, insecurity, violence, uncertainty, such as not to be able to sleep peacefully in this Venezuela of today and here.


We are already in the fifth year of the government that began in April 2013, seems an eternity before the problems that afflict the majority of human beings who inhabit Venezuela are finished.

And after that, the arrival of a huge "smoke pill" as a historic announcement, on May 1st of this year 2017, which could not be otherwise, has unleashed an immense controversy among those who believe and intend to be able to resolve the crisis of hegemony and its aggravation over time, from which we have not been able to emerge in a society that continues to pretend to live off oil revenues, that which has been detected for years, and despite the immense distribution of income in favor of those more they need it, it has not allowed to discourage the winds and the violent offensive of the political and social sectors closest to a fascist ideology, as shown by the signs of personal and group persecution to those in Venezuela or in the place of the world where they are , not professing the same way of thinking. That fed similarly to the violence that so many countries in Latin America knew, from the Rio Grande to Patagonia itself.

The irresponsibility and incompetence of a government call it terrorism; the pressure and position of the media abroad, they call it democracy; the speculation of the economic sector, they call it "market rules"; the retrograde and conservative position of the high clergy, qualifies as Christian faith; the offensive of the new president of North America, they consider it with their slogan ¨USA first¨, recovery of the values ​​of financial capital; the wars induced in the Middle East link them to the Islamic religion, not to mention how "copper is fought" in terms of the interests of the great powers to take charge of the riches of the subsoil; the phenomenon of unemployment that spreads across Europe between some countries and others less, they call it technological delay, and loss of productivity; the new leaders of the governments of the Europe of the Mediterranean, qualify it as a "generational relay". In short, a kind of world in reverse, where the distribution of income and wealth in the capitalist system becomes increasingly regressive.

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