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RE: Thought for the day.

in #busy6 years ago

We need to remember the times that Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in. Those were very racist times and she would only be repeating what she learned from her parents back then. Society as a whole was not very enlightened. We can not regulate people to be caring human beings. I would agree if you can't help someone, do no harm. Also keeping opinions to oneself also goes a long way.


Also keeping opinions to oneself also goes a long way.

@cecicastor that is your opinion.

Lol, sorry I could not resist.

How are you guys holding out?

We are hanging in for now. We are short on supplies and will have to try to make a supply run tomorrow. I think it will be quite an adventure. Part of the journey will have to be on foot...

omg ..not sure what to say. You do what you have to do.

We won't take unnecessary risks. If we see or sense trouble we will turn back.

It is like a scary movie.

Living the reality is much worse. I understand much better now how people suffer from PTS and depression form long exposures to oppression and violence.

The unknown event of violence is a type of terrorism for sure.

Yes, I totally understand that, living on a knife-edge, poor sleep because even if you're sleeping at your home, you're awake more often than not because you're listening out for every strange sound.

Stay safe, <3

Thank you, Michelle. We don't sleep well because every noise sets us off and then it is difficult to sleep after. Last night was the first night of many when there was no gun fire or mortars.

Absolutely, although I'm not all that good at keeping my opinions to myself all the time ;)

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