Growing Resources on Next Colony - Weekly Report

in #busy5 years ago

next colony weekly update bxlphabet.jpg

I play NextColony without spending any money on the game. I started at the beginning of May and spend a few minutes each day seeing what I can upgrade.

In my last Next Colony post, thought I would only upgrade Coal and Ore now, since I need so much of both to do anything. but this turned out to be a bad strategy.

I need all the resources to upgrade. It turns out I was ending up with too much Coal and Ore and not enough Copper and Uranium to do anything. Sometimes my Coal and Ore are overflowing and I still cannot not upgrade since my Copper and Uranium are too low.

So now I have a new strategy.

Each time I go into Next Colony now, I upgrade whatever mines and depots I can regardless of which ones they are.

Today, here is my progress and current status.

First I will look at my buildings:

My Coal Mine is Level 15 and my Ore Mine is Level 16.

next colony bxl 4 coal ore mine buildings.PNG

Both my Copper and Uranium Mines are level 14. It turns out I need a lot more Copper now as you will see below.

next colony bxl 4 copper uranium mine buildings.PNG

My Coal Depot is too low at Level 12, and I will upgrade this as soon as I can. The Ore Depot is higher, but still is a focus so I do not waste Ore while waiting for other resources to be enough for an upgrade.

next colony bxl 4 coal ore depot buildings.PNG

And you see both the Copper and Uranium Depots are at Level 12. I have not been overflowing either of those, since they are slow growing right now.

next colony bxl 4 copper uranium depot buildings.PNG

Moving on to my skills, I do not have enough resources to upgrade any of these right now. Copper is lacking for all of them, and so this is now a pressing need.

next colony bxl 4 mine skills.PNG

All of my depots need more Copper to upgrade!

next colony bxl 4 depot skills.PNG

These research skills below all take 5 days to upgrade. Though they do not cost much to upgrade, the time is the sticking point. I am not sure it is worth it, but I upgrade these when I can.

You can see I am in the middle of upgrading my Uranium Production now. I will upgrade Copper Production the next couple times I can do it.

next colony bxl 4 research skills.PNG

My meta skills are 189 now up from 163 in my last report. I think the higher number helps if you end up to explore the galaxy, battle, and find other planets, so I am glad to see the increase.

next colony bxl 4 Meta skills level.PNG

If you are playing @nextcolony, I would love to know what you think. Is there any thing else I should be doing? Stay tuned for my next report, and I will let you know how this all works out.


What you should do? You should skill Explorer (20) and Shipyard (13) for exploring!

I think I might be close on the Shipyard, but not on the explorer. My ships are all level 1 or 2 now!

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