in #busy6 years ago
The Venezuelan government announced the creation of a cryptoactive that would help the economy of the South American country in the midst of the crisis it is going through. However, the project has created many doubts and even in the ecosystem it is considered a scam. Despite the efforts of the Venezuelan authorities to give credibility to the project, the reality is that the petro raises more doubts than certainties, something extremely negative for a cryptographic project, because for its success the trust is fundamental.

Websites of qualification of projects of Initial Initiatives of Currency (ICO) as or have placed extremely low notes on the offer of the petro and even have qualified it as a scam, inviting those interested in this project to not invest in the project.
Recall that an ICO is a way to capture capital by companies and blockchain projects, in order to achieve the development of a certain application of distributed accounting technology. It is a collection stage where the central elements of the project must be very clear to potential investors. It is essential for the success of your proposal that there be a clear technological structure, where the application of the use and development of the cryptoactive is duly explained. CriptoNoticias published a guide to analyze this type of projects with the 4C method.
Financing in this type of offers is received without intermediation from banking institutions, taking advantage of the P2P structure (Peer to peer, in English) of some exchange platforms or even the tools of certain blockchain where tokens or smart contracts can be created. The administration of funds must be clear. The absence of a development repository in Github is extremely striking, since this is one of the key points to assess an ICO, because it is the website where you can track the technical performance and application that the blockchain technology will have within of the development of an open source project. Although in some cases the project remains in a private development.

In addition, the website team recalled that, according to the white paper of the project, the PTR will be transferred to a new blockchain, and in his opinion "many details are missing", which generates "a great concern". Although it is a cryptographic project, for this website the petro will have important levels of "control and centralization".
Other ICOs rating portals such as;;;; among others, they have no reviews about the project, which generates even more doubts about its veracity.
The official website of the petro has suffered several falls which makes it difficult to consult the official information on the cryptoactive. The impossibility of consulting the intelligent contract of the crypto-active, as well as the availability of the portfolio where the tokens purchase funds will be received, does not seem to have normal operation.

The official statements by spokespersons associated with the project such as the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, or the vice president, Tarek El Aissami, have not clarified these issues either, since the support of large blockchain teams is alleged, but their names are not specified , nor his involvement in the project.

Recall that the NEM Foundation team, which develops a blockchain that generates intelligent contracts, assured CriptoNoticias that it is not involved in this project as it had been described in one of the versions of the white paper of the petro and as it had been affirmed by the authorities. Venezuelan They are also not in a position to control any open source project on their platform.
The absence of an account of the petro in, Reddit and other social networks makes fear the possibility that the evaluation of this portal is effective, and that the cryptoactive or the intelligent contract is a scam.
Even important ecosystem characters such as Vitalik Buterin have had negative words about the project. The Russian took advantage of his account on the social network Twitter to express that projects like this are reason enough for the community to start carefully fixing the blockchain application offered by each project of this nature.
"This is the reason why the crypto community needs to move away from 'yay, blockchain' and zoom specifically on which is the trust model of each project. This is definitely quite centralized and depends on multiple ways in a central party (Venezuelan government) that does not seem to be very reliable, "he wrote.
The doubts about the petroleum increase despite the fact that the Venezuelan government has promoted greater adoption of this instrument as a means of payment in the country.


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