Increase the value of your property

in #busy6 years ago

by tidying up EVERYWHERE


If there's one thing I've learnt about having our house on the market it's that people buy in to an area, or a community, or a neighbourhood; just as much as they're buying the bricks and mortar.


Put your back in to it and make the change you want to see. That's what we've been doing today.

Although, I'm going to have a tough time finding the owner of the wig.


So there we have it...

image immaculate stair case, meaning for a better presented neighbourhood which results in a more desirable place to live. Result.

Is this all a bit of a metaphor for Steemit?

I dunno, but I'm aching all over.


Hahahaha. Love it.
I prevented someone from dumping boxes in my neighbourhood today. I felt a little bad afterwards because I was a little stern with them.

Yessss! Totally understand. I get the most pissed off when it comes to ignorant people making a mess.
Well done standing up to them.

Looks lovely. I've been debating whether to cut a neighbouring hedge. I think I will.

Hell yeah, show that hedge who is boss.
Thanks for the nice comment too :)

You have found my Sunday wig, where was it? I have been looking all over for it. and then I go and see it in one of your pictures.
By any chance have you found my dress too? its the one with pink bunnys on it that dillan bought me haha.

On a serious note buddy, My mate who's an estate agent told me the same, if your area looks like a toilet then people are not going to buy into that, unless they have no eyesight.
Class work though mate, need a jet wash and make it gleem. :D


Thanks for the kind words and comment.
Glad to hear an estate agent pal of your echos my same thoughts. I must be on the right lines. It makes sense.

This county needs a good clean, our streets and wild areas are such a mess. It's that tipping culture. Urgh.

your right about a good clean, its us english been lazy.
When I lived in sheffield we had a recycling bin for everything, now I'm over in rotherham they don't recycle plastic.
We had a shock when we put our plastic in the blue bin when we first moved in, the bin men came and left it.
After talking to some neighbours they told us that we had to put the plastic in the normal waste.
I was a little shocked as plastic is our number one problem in the world, not just the country.

Wow, Rotherham council need to book their ideas up - god knows where they're keeping it all.

The root of it in England for me seems to be the idea that rubbish/waste/dumping stuff comes from this culture that no one wants to take responsibility for their own waste - whether it be a cigarette butt or a fridge freezer - everything is someone else's fault, or it's gets dumped and they expect the council to immediately sort it.
When bins over flow and the litter blows down the road, I never see anyone taking responsibility to clean it up. The attitude that 'it'll be fine in a hedge, no one cares, it's a crap hole anyway' needs to change.

Mini rant over haha, you know what I mean I'm sure

I don't mind a good rant myself buddy TBH.

When we lived over in Sheffield we lived in some silly style flats, they were houses on top of houses if you get me.
Upstairs didn't have to recycle which was a piss take as they had a biffa bin to put all their waste in. but everybody else on the block used to use the same bin too.
This bin was always full, lid open and rubbish used to go everywhere.
We tried to keep on top of the blown rubbish but it was that bad you could be at it all day cleaning it up and still be at square one by the time you were done.
We had a clean up notice from Sheffield City Council telling us that our yard and garden needed to be tidied up or face losing our house over it.
we write back to them to tell them that even though we went out every bin day to clean up others rubbish there was no stopping the amount of waste that was getting blown from their bin.
They then came out while we were out and took photos and sent them in a letter back to us saying that the mess was ours to tidy up and nothing to do with their bin.
On bin day I filmed the bin men emptying the bin and the rubbish was going everywhere, it was getting blown around and coming back into the yard and yes into out garden.
There responce was classic, it is your job to make sure that your garden and your yard is kept tidy Yes you read that right, even though I had it on film where this rubbish was coming from.
I tried to fight again by giving them a reply of - Have you watched the video I sent you?
To the response that it was still my job to clean up after the bin men.

I didn't mind cleaning my stuff up, but to clean up everybody elses was a piss take. I am not passing the blame as I don't want to live in the mess. because really who would? but to be expected to go out everyday and tidy up something that the bin men could have stopped from happening in the first place really got on my nervous.
we have moved house now, I took a picture of my yard and sent it to sheffield council and I said this is my yard now. I have no problems keeping it tidy when I can keep on top of it, they have not responded.

My rant lol

That sounds VERY frustrating. Argh. Especially when councils get involved and get it wrong, and even choose to ignore the situation. Glad you're in a better spot now though mate! Onwards and upwards eh

that's right mate, touch wood lol. If I could afford to buy a house I would but where we are right now is perfect and it is so quite and no trouble. I think that if I was to do it all over again I would have just moved straight here. :D
Have you found somewhere your wanting to move to?

Yes, we think so. Exciting (and slow) times ahead!

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