Syrian Air Defenses Shoots Down US-Israeli F16

in #busy7 years ago

A good F16 looks like this one.

An SAA drone on a mission of exploration in Syria's desert looking for ISIS remnants, Israelis in support of ISIS and other terrorist organizations shot down the unmanned drone, Syrian air defenses shot down the Israeli F16 fighter jet that was among the squadron that attacked the T4 airport where Russian forces are also placed causing Moscow to issue a warning statement saying the endangering of their troops lives is unacceptable.

That's how complicated and at the same time simple the situation in Syria. One party fighting terrorist organizations, another party supports them.

Syria defending itself from tens of thousands of terrorists imported from all sides of Earth and sent into the country by a coalition of over 80 countries led by the United States of America. Spearheaded by Turkey, Israel, Saudi and Qatar, aided by Jordan, half of Lebanon, half of Iraq, all of Western Europe, add Australia and Canada.

Read: Who needs an army of 350,000 anti-Islamic Wahhabi suicide terrorists?.

Israel, one of the main parties upset with the successes of the Syrian armed forces and its allies against the terrorist groups, rushes to the rescue of these terrorists whenever needed.

Read: Israel Rushes to Rescue Al-Qaeda Terrorists in Syria.

Syrian air force operates unmanned drones searching for ISIS terrorist remnants in Eastern Syrian desert from the T4 air base where there are groups of Russian, Iranian and other Syrian allied officers coordinating with the Syrian Air Force personnel.

Israel, i.e. the United States of America, attacks the drone searching for ISIS terrorist remnants and shoots it down from inside the occupied Palestinian terrorists aka Israel, using a squadron of F16 along with a number of Israeli missiles, shoots it down, SAA air-defense in south of Syria fires at the Israeli squadron destroys at least one F16, news of more, and the fighter jet crashes over 'Israel'.

Syrians used one of their old S200 systems modified locally and managed to shoot down one of the top US fighter jets. Imagine if Syrians used any of their other more modern systems.

Israel, gone mad after the shooting down of its fighter jet and the sirens alarming the whole north of Israel, shoots dozens of missiles against Syrian Air Defense positions, which in turns bring down over 80% of the missiles and some Syrian missiles fall down again over 'Israel' easily penetrating the Israeli Patriot and Iron Domes systems.

A lot of messages delivered in all directions, Israel asks Russia to mediate to cool down the situation.

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