Where my username comes from

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

No one nominated me and I feel sad about it, but since I saw some of my pals doing it I decided to do it regardless. Big shoutout and thanks to @acidyo, @hitmeasap, @poeticsnake and @tarazkp, the hell with you for not nominating me, I know my username is kinda obvious but I still want to be part of the cool kids challenge.


Plying pool at SteemFest2 because I´m running out of decent pictures for my posts

So for starters, here are the rules of the challenge in case you, like me, want to join even if no one nominates you:

1 - Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
2 - Tell us your real name!
3 - If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
4 - Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
5 - Nominate 5 people for this challenge

The story behind my name might seem simple but it goes deeper than what you think...

It was March 2016 and I was looking for domain names for my webpage. I wanted to try and be a travel blogger, you know the kind. Those that post an instagram photo or a facebook post and get paid for doing it because they have a gazillion followers. I didn´t want the spotlight, I just didn´t have any money to travel but the road was calling me so I started to think about a good webpage name that could also be relatable enough to have social media linked to the same name.

At first I tried wanderlust and of course, it was already taken, I had to be more specific, I had to be creative because I realized I was late to the party and all the relatable domain names were already taken. That when I thought "Ok, I have to look for a lifestyle that goes around traveling, people can relate to that, they will recognize it whenever they read it and they´ll know what´s it about automatically, so I tried nomadlife, it seemed the most relatable for eager millenials to go see the world who hate the 9 to 5 kind of life... surprise, taken.

I tried at least 30 different names... nomadlife, nomadsoul, travelerlife, travelersoul, exploringsoul and most of them were already taken and those that weren´t, costed more than my kidney - for example, exploringsoul.com goes for more than $3,000 - because domains made up by two words are very popular, so I had to make a domain name more complex but still relatable and easy to read (if you use too many words the reader gets lost in between the www. and the .com

I tried anomadlife.com and I was about to say the hell with it but the I realized anomadsoul didn´t sound so bad and actually, if the name starts with an A, then you are on top of any alphabetical list. So I decided to go for that name.

Little I knew that the domain name would end up on Steemit, but I am very pleased with the result. I like how people call me on chats anomad or nomad. I believe the end goal was met, the name is relatable, easy to identify and catchy to a point :)

My real name is...

Eric and everyone knows it, little do they know that my second name, living up to the expectations of a Mexican soup Opera is, Edward.

But Eric, why are you giving out your second name, don´t you know it stays on the blockchain forever, your privacy and all that stuff!

Well, there are 120 Million people in Mexico and last time I checked, there are like 2 thousand Eric Edward, so no worries there, you´ll never find me.

If I could change my Steemit username...

I would probably change it to @arandomsoul so I could write about whatever without thinking "Oh no, but writing about vaccination or Sesame Street has nothing to do with my username, people are going to get confused, oh damn I shouldn´t have picked such a niche username!"

I shall nominate thy to join the glorious challenge:

@dreemit - I want to see if my assumptions are correct or if there are other reasons behind this name.

@abh12345 - Because I think one nomination won´t be enough so I´m putting more pressure in him.

@kommienezuspadt - Are you a Marxist in disguise? Are you a German in disguise? Or you just like waiting?

@schattenjaeger - I know what it means but I wanna read what impulsed you to get this specific username.

@voronoi - Yeah, I know you love architecture and the Euclidean geometry plays a role there, but why Voronoi and not Dealunay?

This challenge proved to be fun, I hope you hop in the train even if you don´t get nominated :D


Finally i see the reason behind such an amazing username, great contest and a wonderful entry for an amazing steemian, i guess i am gonna make an entry even if not nominated.

You wouldn't have seen my post from being nominated to post about my own name, but in it I went ahead and opened nominations up to anyone who wanted to do it, so as far as I'm concerned, you're more than covered.

When I found out a post or so ago that you are from Mexico, I wanted to ask you what part. My wife is from Mexico and I've been to different states and places in and around the greater Mexico City metropolitan area, so a natural connection and curiosity, I guess.

However, now that you told us your first and last name, it doesn't sound like you want to also divulge a specific location, which is fine. I wouldn't want anyone hunting you down. :)

I'm aware of Mexican soap operas (telenovelas), but I'm not getting the reference to soup. Is it a play on words between English and Spanish (soup instead of soap? :) Any other meanings?

Eric Edward huh? Got a ring to it.
If I wanna find you, I will in the midst of 2000 Eric Edwards. :P

Great story behind the name, I've always wondered but now I know. I guess it's great that my username is pretty straightforward but the there's no mystery in it. Aaaargh.
That was you I had to make my display name a bit more complicated and worth going to the dictionary for.

Wow, it was a really difficult task choosing your name. Actually, chosen mine was not that difficult. I think I will also have to take up the challenge

Es muy simpática tu idea de auto nominarte. Te queda muy bien tu nombre de usuario. 🙄

Pues si nadie te quiere pues a darnos auto-abrazos y auto-nominarnos :P

Recordaré darme auto - abrazos 😏

Autonominarse me tocara también hacerlo. Me gustaría mucho que mis seguidores conocieran la historia.

Bueno, ya tenemos un buen ejemplo de E. E. Espero leer tu historia.

Great story behind the username Eric well when I made my steemit account I used my original name I still dont know why. If I could have I would prefer Uzumaki Naruto for sure cause he is an inspiration.

Eric Eduardo? My name is just Eduardo, but everyone calls me Eddie. I think that anomadsoul is a very good name, with few words it describes what your blog (and your life) is about. Interesting story.

Nice username and nice post for some reason reading your articles makes me smile especially the part when you said that you run out of decent photos to share lol this challenge is inviting since I got a lot of questions about my username 😅

Look at how far you've come with your username Eric, to know that your quest for a domain name brought you this amazing username it's really thrilling,
Not going for exploring soul.com was probably the best, you may have paid more then your kidney, who knows, your liver maybe.

anomadsoul, seems very amazing, creative, fantastic and originally defining, now look where you are today.

@anomadsoul sounds dramatic, well done for chosing it! You had a photo with a dog, that would have been perfect lols
I will wait for Asher's story in creating @abh12345 . This is gonna be fun!

Hahahahaha a photo with a dog :( I miss my dogs
Are you making a post yourself about this? Maybe Immarojas is obvious but why did you choose that and not something else? :D

there's no point in using anything else if that's already in used in facebook. if i'd known something like this, i could have thought of something exotic or very Filipino😂🤣
it will thrash Asher's @abh12345, right @osm0sis ??

Yeah that's a tough one to beat

You both have interesting stories to tell lolsss
Have you seen @roadscape's hive core post??

Yes... it's got all those techie terms i dont understand! I've got a translation from my geekazoid bf ;)

This must be the other one? :P

Yes :p

But lola, your username is so obvious hahaha!

Am not included.

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