Street Art in London

in #busy6 years ago
Yeah yeah, I know it's weird I'm uploading London content. I'm supposed to be posting things about Russia and my world cup adventures but I can't find the words nor the inspiration to do it.

It may have something to do with the bit of depressive state I'm in right now. I spent 40 days in Russia and I had to leave. I left for a while because my Visa expired and I was waiting for the government to make the official announcement that Fan ID holders can come and go as they please in Russia.

The announcement came and I can finally go back but I may have to wait a few more days to go back. In the meantime I miss Russia so much I can't bare to write about this beautiful country, so I decided to use my previous pictures.

To get to Russia I had to fly from Cancun to London and I took the chance to explore the city. I'm not gonna post the regular content 99% of tourists in London post about. No London eye, Westminster, Buckingham palace or stuff like that.

Instead, I decided to explore the indie/alternative side of London and I found some kick ass street art along my way.

This was very refreshing because believe it or not, o couldn't find much street art in any major Russian city - or perhaps I didn't explore the cities as I should have - and you know how much I love street art, so finding these graffiti and paintings on the walls had me smiling for the whole day.

Here you can see what I found:

As you can see, the art is amazing. I really wish some of the artists had signed their post with their Instagram username or something so we could follow them and try to repay their work with some advertisement revenue but oh well, I guess the sole images and having their art on the walls is enough for them.

I hope you enjoyed this little gallery and again, sorry for not posting Russian adventures :(


We are all work of Art.. Definitely this is pretty amazing. Art is one of my acquired skills and I love it...cos I live it !! .. Thanks for sharing this awesome pictures. You feed my eyes!!

London does have an awesome Graffiti scene! A lad who went to my University was a very talented street artist from London who now runs an outreach program encouraging street artisits from rough estates in London to understand how to market their street art to make a living from commissions and collaborative works with the mainstream. He once told me he knew banksy but I'm not sure if he was taking the piss out of me lol

These are some awesome pictures of street art Eric. Fantastic stuff!

Wow, the street art is really amazing. how I wish I can be there to see it for real instead of just photos. And i agree with you about the tourisy spots.... It's these hidden gems that make the trips worthwhile. I too like to go to gems that only the locals know about and not some commercialize place.

Wow, those are the real arts!! We don't have many street arts in Korea as well...! Is there a lot of street arts in México?

Yes!! I actually posted around 200 street art pictures from Mexico a year ago, I guess it would be awesome to have a feature on steemit that would allow people to browse tags in one person's blog, that way I could find them in two minutes instead of going all the way down through 300 posts :(

I can imagine Korea being very tidy and clean with no street art :(

Hey, are you going to Steemfest? Check out the tag #roadtosteemfest

where and when is steamfest?

London is one place i really wanna visit next year. if only those artist knows about steemit. but do we have a community that appreciates cool arts content like these?

I've been playing with that idea for a long time, I have some ideas to bring more artists to the platform. I hope I can get my ass to do it.

Just get someone who's passionate about such things and make the work easier for you while you monitor, else it will keep lingering

Wow amazing, well I guess 40 days enjoying the thrills of Russia was amazing, I'm sorry about your visa issues but well at least here you are in London, I guess you're planing to finally return to Mexico after London yes?

This art are awesomely done my friend I suppose the artists doesn't leave a phone number for people to contact them, that's how it's done iny country.

Amazing trip you're having Eric

The Jack Daniels art is so creative and well made! I also loved the third photo from the Jack Daniels photo, the white building sloshed with black paint. I can't imagine the effort it took to paint that, but at the same time, I can also imagine the creator having fun with it, haha!

Oh these are some really good examples. I loved the tiger especially.
I know some stencil artist myself who do painting on walls and sometimes they do write some info somewhere

You paint on the walls? Have you made a post about it? That´s something I would definitely vote on.

Not me personally, but i have friends in that sphere. Will try to get him here on Steemit for sure

You know I love this. Great art and some very talented artists! I don't have any issues with this whatsoever. It's a shame here in the States we have to look at garbage graffiti everywhere. I think our kids should actually try and create an image such as these but I'm sure it's from lack of talent....... I digress...........

beautiful photographs, for me, a good artist sees beauty where others only see simplicity, hence they can create these wonderful images and fill the environment with an almost unreal magic that allows us to dream ...

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