in #busy6 years ago (edited)


I get very few feedback from my blog so I really don't know who to address when I write these days.

Sometimes, a Non-nigerian appears, giving some honest opinion. Sometimes, it is a just slew of Nigerian Commentators actively blaring the horn of constructive criticism.

One of the most touching part of any story any Nigerian can give today as regards the state of the Nation's affairs, is the constantly dying hope of a better future.

As much as many Nigerians have given up with their words saying "Sell the country and distribute the money", it seemed many of us including me , were more optimistic of something unusual (like miracles) taking us out of the nonsense and garbage this nation rolls in on a daily basis. That is past tense now as it just keeps getting worse on a daily basis. The hope is dying too. For some, the future is already dead.

Nigeria , to me , is a Nation of slow and complicated maturity which on the overall gives a negative cumulative, even if positive, much more is always expected from us and those that have witnessed our growth over the years.

We move forward a little in some areas and then a lot backwards in many other areas. Don't tell me we are stagnant. As far as I am concerned, stagnancy is a form of backwardness.

Now, the little positive movement we make daily has been greatly reduced while the negativity been heralded through corruption takes consistent great leaps, that the traditional media tries hard to keep.

They say we are a corrupt nation but the audacity of corruption in state affairs still scares all of us a bit sometimes, some level of corruption still makes the worst among us cringe and stay "that's too bad" but the worst seems to be surfacing daily like new-borns.

The effrontery now, if it is what a light , it would be blinding, if it was a form of darkness, it's as thick as a wall and if it was a sickness, it is an epidemic.

The dynamics of the upcoming election seems to be changing in ways that seem unpredictable, there seems to be a lot of money business in between. It has always been about the money, always about that . Then about power, then about some other things, then patriotism and the love of the state comes last written in faint ink.

In all of this,Nigerians still has its favorite politicians. They are not so pure but pure enough to win our breathalyzer test for those drunk with evil, only though our breathalyzer machine has some corruption in it too, we sometimes lower the standards for reasons we all know about and when that is not the case, we need to be mature about the standards unless we will all fail the test including the democratic comrades that carries the machine. Although, truth be told, we no longer believe in some people-defending comrade ,we defend ourselves now. It's a jungle , no one trusts each other, we all have stories of those that did that and got burnt nonetheless.

In all of this, some politicians have won a raffle draw of our reverence, we look forward to them as the best of the lesser evil. Mind you, that is the philosophy we live with now. The philosophy of lesser evil, nothing is truly standard anymore, businesses now robs the customers (to be sure of this, all you need is an MTN sim and a Nigerian Bank Account) , the politicians are now publicly auctioninig our souls among themselves on a table placed before us, their cup overflows with our blood but we are still wondering why goodness and mercy seems to follow them.

To be continued...

Last Note: Nigeria is not a total shit.

image source:


It's so sad to read your poignant words about the state of Nigeria.
Live your life the best you can if possible and leave politics in the background. Though I can imagine this might not be always be possible.

Over here in Ireland the plight of Nigerian people is evident by those seeking asylum. Some do well and many are not so well or expelled.

Those who drown in the Mediterranean are a testimony that something is fundamentally wrong in Africa and Europe doesn't know what to do.

Nigeria should be a rich country with such oil supplies however it seems like the black liquid gold is a curse to the population.

Don't give up. Your voice is not lost in the vacuum.

Thank God someone out of Nigeria is seeing this. I am quite aware of the terrible plight of many Nigerians outside the country because of the level of hopelessness here, many will rather cope with the rejection and possibilities of death than languish in hopelessness.


I was going to say something about this post, but I was in a hurry heading out when I first read it.

Isn't it sad how we're often regarded as the Cinderella that never made it to the ball? There isn't focus anywhere even with all the resources we have at our disposal. Instead we have power hungry people who would kill to lead. To "serve"and for what!? There's gotta be ulterior motives to that kinda struggle.

Elections are around the corner. So far the loudest options are the recycled leaders. "We'll sure get it right this time", they say. And I wouldn't be surprised to find that one of them wins.

Why not? You said it yourself:

...we no longer believe in some people-defending comrade ,we defend ourselves now. It's a jungle , no one trusts each other...

I know right.. Everyone for himself. Feed a man for a day and you're singly the most important thing that's ever happened to him and his family. Wait, what did you say you're contesting for, again? Don't answer that! My sword is yours, I bend the knee.

Did you mention services? We've lost that bearing we weren't ever able to pull something grand and standard and then get to sustain it for long enough to gain recognition. Even the "best services" yet aren't the same after the first 5 months in lost corporations!

It's a vicious circle!

I am very keen on the coming elections, more than ever before. Let's see just how myopic the masses are, one more time before I plan my exit from Nigeria!

Sadly, here's a toast to 2019 decider. May the deepest pocket win! 😐

PS: Nigeria isn't all that crappy. There are thin grey areas that I wouldn't bat an eye at defending my country for.

Great comment @pangoli. The populace are not actually myopic, it's worse. The state of affairs have degraded the standard of goodness to the level where the best of evils is worth celebrating.

Not much to say, you said it all, point blank.

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