Treat it like your home and you will be treated

in #busy6 years ago

With all the self objectiveness, lucidity and fine sense of humor that defines me I can say that I'm not an experienced and well backed steemian(since I am only 97 days old), but neither a blind man stumbling on everything around here. While surfing daily on the platform I came with another "great" idea. Like I had previous ones before...:)

Probably I'm not the first one to talk about this or not the last either, so why not. Without going to far with the introduction I'll put it right to table and say that my humble thoughts wondered around the idea of a Steemit brochure today, or a kind of to do and not to do piece of advice for newcomers. One that could be attached to the welcoming e-mail or something like the original Welcome to Steemit!, but more straight forward and simple to help new plankton grow healthy.

The first topic that I would address there is the nice post, thanks for sharing type of comments. Not only that it shows that you haven't read a damn thing from that article, but there's 99% chances that you won't even get a vote on your comment so that's 100% time wasted. Even if you don't speak English very good if you really care about your experience around here you will use google translate and come up with some relevant comment that might get you something.

Some of these users doing that are most often tagging the authors with the wrong name in their comments. Probably they're in a hurry to post as many comments as they like so they eat letters or simply mix them. Patience to read the authors name might help them at least tag the author properly.

Another one related to comments is the fact that instead of throwing 50 comments a day with nothing they could spend that time better by making 10 of them properly and get some upvotes while making friends. Quality over quantity sir.

image source

When it comes to posts the biggest mistake that should be highlighted in such a brochure would be regarding one picture posts with a simple title and a lot of hope. Unfortunately that hope won't get to much out of these posts. I consider that even Facebook type of pictures with themselves would gain more rewards than the downloaded ones. I will give for example my 0.01 upvote to support such newbies rather than someone who downloads photos from google and posts them here.

Originality is what makes us individuals and what got me an extra point on tests in literature in high school classes. My teacher always told us that no matter how attractive others ideas might seem it will never fit us so trying to copy them will make us loose that originality point and transform us into copies and plagiarists. So making your own posts with your own words and thoughts will get you much further then copy others and try to fit their niche.

Re-blogging is also something annoying especially at newcomers. Probably they think that if they re-blog a whales post it will get them some attention from him and consistent rewards, but in my opinion they will only drive away their few followers with tens of re-blogs daily. I from example don't like seeing too many re-blogs. They're useful when promoting something valuable, but annoying if you do that too often.

In the section of dos I will definitely add to read as many posts as they can and then start commenting and posting. You can't have a picture of what the platform is about if you start with posting ten times a day. Getting to know the crowd is important to make yourself successful.

In the investments department I would advice them to interact more rather than throw money on bid bots. Unless they have something mind blowing that will make some splashes on the trending page. I've seen even recently examples of posts boosted with hundreds of SBD that had only a temporary impact. At their next posts it was back again to a few upvotes and probably no comment. In my opinion bid bots are not for everyone so I consider most of the cases it's just a waste of money. Even if it grows your rank when you'll open your mouth on comments people will notice that your number is fake reflecting almost no value and you'll just have a number attached to your name that doesn't make too many of us following you and interacting with you.

Last, but not least I will advice anyone new on Steemit to only follow the ones they are interested in reading their blogs. I've done it the other way and it makes no sense. Even if someone follows you back just because you followed him doesn't matter that will also appreciate your articles and that will upvote them and interact with you. It's kinda like in real life:you have to build these relationships on something. Exchanges of follows are no guarantees. They're just numbers.

The End

Thanks for reading!


Beside "great post" and "thanks for sharing" most annoying thing for me is "please follow me". Why should we follow someone just like that? If you have some nice article I can understand comment "please check my article" but "follow me" I don't understand...

Yes,it's a totally wrong conception about how things wrong. Even if they have a nice article it would be the best to be related to yours when they tell about it.
There is a trend with "follow for follow" and "upvote for upvote". I've seen on some users profiles they even have that advertised.

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