The premise of renewing the past

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

It's not the first time when I noticed that some of my trends, preferences and desires are spinning in circles making me feel like a hamster in a wheel, running through life. It's not like all of them come in the same shape when actually materializing either, but the core of them is the same and it's easy noticing and remembering it. They seem to come back like boomerangs and hit when least expected.

One recent boomerang that I see close in hitting me is getting vegetarian..again. I was a vegetarian for about 5 years until 2013 and it was a unique experience that I neither regret it, but nhore wished for embracing again. Somehow life seems to haven't took my out of its "vegetarian books" though, as it seems to force me towards this type of diet again. This time without having that passion and strong will in embracing it and neither that many reasons. It's just pure health.

For more than half a year I am struggling with digestive problems in almost any forms. From gastritis to IBS and lazy gall, almost everything is keeping me from eating whatever I want and whatever I could a year ago. Despite medication and all sort of dos and don't in the eating patterns and diets one of the diets that a specialist recommended me was to become a vegetarian. He said that he is also one, although he was mistaken about that, because he confessed he still eats chicken liver( for the high amounts of B vitamins) and that it's recommended for my condition.

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The man had a point and a good one that I felt on my own experience. According to him and science, meat takes about 20 hours until it's fully digested thus when one eats meat three times a day there will be some residual wastes inside one's gut almost always which is not healthy at all. At least not for all of us. A thing that I discovered on my own when I forgot about diet and hit some pleskavita from time to time or too many barbecues was that almost all of the night and even days after my belly would be noisy and a bit painful affecting my mood also. I guess that's why they say you should listen your gut.

However, when keeping it meatless, I really felt better and healthier. Situation that I should have been aware of for years, from my own experience. Experience that I got out of it because as a vegetarian, in my country, you don't get to many eating options when eating out and you can't find enough quality products in the supermarkets to fill your meals either. Being vegetarian is not only about salads by the way. Plus there's the thing of B vitamins and some other amino-acids and proteins that vegetarians might lack of, according to studies... Which I don't agree entirely. There are supplements and some herbs, especially seaweed, that could successfully come in hand with the situation of lacking ingredients mentioned above for vegetarians.

Now, I am not sure if I will become vegetarian in juts a matter of weeks as I did previously, but I am gradually taking meat out of my meals. Especially pork. The only thing that I wouldn't quit from, if going towards a vegetarian diet would be fish. Not the one I catch because I don't like the ones around here( almost any fresh water fish), but some tuna, salmon( wild, if possible) and macro I will eat from time to time. Will see how it goes in the next weeks and how much of a vegetarian can I become. The belly will by my guide and the beneficiary also of this experience which hopefully will change something for the better.

Did you ever thought of becoming a vegetarian...or are you one already?

Thanks for your attention,


Modern food industry is making money on expense of our health and we all have to be aware of that fact.
My boyfriend was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer in 2014 and since then we changed our diet and the way we look at food - completely.
Now I buy most of our food on the local markets, from local growers, fish from local fishermen, I also started my little garden :) Don't eat meat from supermarkets and if you have to, buy from someone who has a farm(if you can). Changing your diet will help a lot with your health. And your mood! I have a friend that cured cancer only by changing her diet! Food is our medicine if used with awareness. Wish you all the best, see you around...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Luckily in my country I can still find local growers so I don't have to only rely on supermarkets. It's just that I have to search more and be more careful with what I out in the shopping cart. Overall I feel like it's the time for some detox so I am planning on taking out meat out of my diet as much as I can.

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