Grey that got me contemplating and writing

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

After the sun had been bathing us for more than two weeks at temperatures of almost 30 ° C and even over, the rain had finally come. The gray clouds and rain that I subconsciously wanted at the time when my skin burned every time I went out of the house don't seem so desirable anymore. What can I do, though once their here...

I admit that I like the cold more than hot temperatures, but for now, I live in a country that has everything. It is true that it has more hot days than harsh cold ones and that's probably the global warming that we're living. Still, I like the cold sunny days in which you feel the freshness of outside air, seeing the world through sunglasses and wearing gloves, but these are not coming any soon. This kind of cold is my favorite. Not the wet one with rain and clouds.

Besides the fact that the recent rains kept me in the house more than usual, they destroyed my mood and the inspiration to post on Steemit for the moment. For some people, such rainy days are sources of inspiration to write novels or whole blog pages while for me it's only a state of mild depression and a lack of total inspiration and laziness.

Generally, since I started writing on Steemit, almost every day I posted at least three articles, and I would post even more, but I do not want to become spammer or boring as some TV commercials that are often tedious and intrusive . However, any coin has two covers, and the good part of this gray day that keeps me in the house without any inspiration or taste of typing too much makes me read more.

2018-05-10 at 13.37.48.jpeg

Besides the classic pages from a new book and the twitter news feed I opened my eyes much more to the articles of other steemers, even those in the trending page from where I found out that berniesanders took some of the haejin's bread from a few posts just before the payout making their war even more interesting. I admit that being daily preoccupied with writing mine I did not read many other articles, except some of the people I follow and am sure is gonna be a good read.

Looking at the news feed I realized that we are much more than I have imagined, and this is a good thing, but not entirely. How come?
Simple. The fact that more and more people are learning about the Steem platform means that this social network is becoming more and more popular with those who contribute to its growth and its creators. That's the good part.

The bad part is that we are more, but we are swimming in the same rewards pool for months, and it is leveled at about 730,000 STEEM without giving any signs of going into the 800,000s. What's even greyish for the platform is that the vast majority are joining the community for the money they've heard they can earn for posting and commenting, and in the minds of many such newcomers success and big rewards are the result of the number of posts and comment they launch around here every day and not the content they put in.

Such a mentality transforms the news feed into a long row of spammy and very poor quality posts that often shadow the good ones. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit as there aren't that many but I've also noticed that quality posts do not grow directly in proportion to the number of new users joining the community. I also admit that I do not have the patience to look through all of the posts to find what I'm interested in and I would like to have a filter that sorts them for me and displays what I like. A filter that sounds like an AI that should know me and serve me.

I would not want though a filter to show only the posts of those who have a certain reputation and to hide those of poorer reputation score users because I am convinced that not all times the number on the right side of the name guarantees quality and originality and we all know it can be bought. I have found recently some pretty new users with great articles that have a scent of quality and originality with no bots involved in their upvotes. About bots, it would be nice to have a "sense" of quality before boosting everything, but they're far from perfect and the taste of money dilutes almost every "sense".

What I would like, would be a filter that would show me posts similar to those I've read and commented on so far, making me deepen more and more into my favorite topics. Yeah, it sounds like lazy asking for that, but let's not forget that lazy people sometimes had innovative ideas that made their lives and others easier. If you are curious how I will make your life easier, be patient at the moment ... I am only 31 years old and today it is raining outside. As of tomorrow I will start brain storming.

Starting from an almost total lack of inspiration and the beginning of a post that seemed hard to materialize, here I came to put almost a thousand words on your screen. It is possible for such posts to come more in the following days, as the rains are not yet to be gone according to the weather cast, but nothing's nailed.

Thanks for reading and have a great and sunny day!


interesting and excellently written, like all your posts! Thank you

Thank you for your appreciation.

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