Why Gangsters are some of America's Best Entrepreneurs

in #business7 years ago (edited)


According to the Pew Research Center, income inequality between black and white Americans has been increasing since 2007. This shows that the Great Recession has affected the African American population far worse than their white counterparts. Since 2007, household purchasing-power has declined and the number of stable full-time work continues to be scarce, especially in urban areas.

With the scarcity of good jobs such a prevalent issue in America's cities, some of the youth have reverted to illegal sources of income to survive.

Think about it: Why spend so much time working several part-time jobs that pay next to nothing, if you can simply sell a few bags of dope and possibly earn $1,000 a day? The decision to go into the lucrative business of crime is actually an economic decision.

Even though peddling drugs is looked down upon by many Americans, there a lot of business lessons to be learned. With the successful transition of many drug dealers to legitimate business icons, one should ask: Why are gangsters some of America's best entrepreneurs?

John Kluge, a contributor to Forbes, answers this question in his article "3 Things Drug Dealers and Misfits Can Teach You About Business." In it, Kluge essentially contends that decentralization (going lateral), flexibility (doing the hustle), and embracing conflicting ideas (listening to your enemies) can actually make you a better businessman.

Check out the full article here:

Although I despise violence, I think the next time we think about young men becoming gangsters, we should take a step back and realize: most are just trying to make a living like everyone else...and making money isn't easy in some places.

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