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RE: Charts that show the economy rolling over just like 2006-2009 --- does not look good

in #business7 years ago

"Next, what about real estate loans. We here that is going great. The past 12 months growth has dropped from 7 to 4% grwoth?" Seriously?! Can you edit your post? Also, you are using FRED charts and FRED charts are the most fake charts. FRED charts are so fake that ZeroHedge uses their charts. That, alone, should tell you the truthful legitimacy of their charts.


I don't think anything is going great at all. The fact that I am using fake Fed charts even proves the point more because it's worse. Thanks for your comments.

You must be a bear

I am more a realist that comes from experience.....there are cycles to see.

Do you ever feel that markets will stay irrational? Do you think the market will go up tomorrow?

I think the markets are a matter of national security and are propped up until they are not....which those same people will make money on the downside. We stopped having "markets some time ago" ...there is no fair price are now rigged....look at silver and gold at the comes being rigged with paper contracts which say what the price of these metals are.

I understand your frustration. Have you heard of decay, contango, tracking errors, or standard deviation? When the so called people try to make money on the downside, they will have a much harder time because of these four hindrances. This is one of the reasons that the markets are rigged to the upside. The main reason that the markets are rigged to the upside is because the government receives more tax dollars from the good economy compared to a down economy.

Oh I agree 100%....these markets are rigged and I would say totally a "national security" operation so the xxx does not hit the fan. S&P earnings have been flat for 3 years...the PE ratios are way out of whack....and it's documented the "working capital group" of plunge protection team....when it comes down -- they know when and will be pulling the strings, policies and more.

What if this time the game is rigged to stay rigged and keep going up, like Venezuela? What if inflation became the new enemy instead of depression? If inflation became the media's next enemy, then the market would stop rising so fast. But, if crashes remain the fear that the media pushes, the market will never stop going up. It is a system that has never failed. It also seems like every time the news says "Russia" the market goes up 10 handles. Plus, the longer that Trump's approval ratings remain low, the further the market will go up. If the polls would admit the real approval rating of Trump, the markets would stop rising so fast. It is all fake fear propaganda to fool rookie investors and citizens of other countries.

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