Blockchain and business running side by side, but the gap is closing

in #business5 years ago

I set off for Germany tomorrow for three days of training deliveries in one city, and then moving over to another on Friday for the vetting of a potential training partner for the future. It is a slow process to build a global network of skilled and knowledgeable trainers for a product that is ramping up enormously, but is still relatively unknown globally. When I say slow, the prediction is a few years at least before it is where it needs to be, but I am looking forward to the process.

Many of the challenges a startup company faces in expansion and development of network is actually internally as even though everyone wants success, expansion means change and change means discomfort. Often, developing strategy shifts to step on toes and ideals of people within the company who think that a different direction should be taken, usually one that doesn't affect their position or beliefs.

Change management is a process of dealing with internal resistance more than external factors as the hardest people to shift are the ones who are comfortably doing what they do. While a company can make all kinds of decisions, it is up to the people who must enact them who actually make it happen, or stop it from happening. It is easy to blame managements inability to communicate the vision and strategy well, but at the same time people are getting paid to understand and most earning are salary aren't children -despite how some may act.

My company is in a fortunate position of sorts as the profile of employees is eclectic and while a startup, has been able to onboard hundreds of people who have worked within and understand medium and very large companies, with quite a few coming across from companies such as Nokia and Microsoft. This means that the startup culture has changed, but the direction it has gone has also been welcomed by most as it becomes less volatile and more predictable. Yet at the speed of growth of company and book of business, there is still enough uncertainty to keep people on their toes - which reduces the pain of having them stepped on.

I am looking forward to the challenges involved in the process of network development and distribution so that there is less centralized control and more partners operating independently to create solutions for their customers that are innovative and valuable for the platform. The attractive things for me are the similarities between it and Steem, which is why I took the job.

How I see it is that in the future, the company will not only be able to make decent returns for investors and offer personnel remuneration, it will also be a factor of value for a large distribution of companies spread across the globe who are able to in turn add value to their clients, who in turn add value to theirs. It is a production line of value-adding processes that diversify by use case the further out from the core they become, while still building upon the core itself.

What is happening in the world of business is that the decentralized mindset we value so much in blockchain tech is actually also being mirrored in some of the more cutting edge companies who value things like opensource thinking and community-centric growth. While many of them aren't recognizing the parallel development yet, they will in time and as blockchain meets business and business meets blockchain, there are going to be experiences that can almost plug into each other to offer something much more valuable combined than apart.

It is this "more than the sum of their parts" that makes me value Steem so greatly because in time it is not just a blockchain, or a blockchain community, but a collection of communities that may not even know of each other yet, are all adding value to the communities they service and to the core itself, Steem. It is also because of this potential future that I believe building a foundation that is able to underpin all of these various experiences is vital to the success of the future parts that are to come.

What can happen is that there can be a highly distributed and complex set of relationships that all feed into and off of each other in various ways to create an ecosystem that is both stable, and encouraging of innovation and independence of growth and experience. I think this is what a healthy economy would look like where there is potential for all participants to try their hand at what they think might bring value. Of course, there are no guarantees of success, but if the foundation is good, failure of parts doesn't bring down the frame of the whole.

Today it was 39C where I am heading in Germany - I hope it cools down a little as I don't get to wear shorts to work. At this point, I don't know what my evening schedule is going to look like but I am taking a camera with me so hopefully I can get a bit of a walk in each night to snap some pictures along the way.

The days however are going to be very intense so, I am unsure what I will be prepared to write about at night. Maybe a photo diary for a few days before the coming Hardfork might not be a bad idea anyway.

[ a Steem original ]


39 C! That's super uncomfortable but I suppose the offices are air conditioned.

My client has told me their office is, but many in Germany aren't. Perhaps they are even cheaper than Finns? ;D

Considering the greater need for AC in Germany that may well be the case.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Better for the environment perhaps though. Although, maybe it is offset by all the consumption in trying to stay cool without Aircon :)

I'm afraid it's impossible to stay cool in that kind of heat.

One of those occasions when it is a blessing to be in Finland when people are ravaged by the heat wave in middle and south Europe. 45 degrees in France the other day - that is just nuts! Would probably have to stay in an ice bath the whole day to survive that.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, and the buildings definitely aren't built for it. Looks like it will be around 30C through Germany this week. Still too warm :D

You know you're finnished, especially coming from Australia, when 30C is too much :D

Posted using Partiko Android

39c in office gear - how wonderful that sounds :)

I wrote a system to manage change at a previous place of work, was pretty happy with it. That was for IT changes to systems though, and I think what you discuss is broader than that. There were of course wider changes to the department, and obviously the management takes the hit when changes arrive and the most resistant are the comfortable 'job4life' types. No-one should be that comfortable in a place of work - you are paid to help aid change, even if you think that at the time it's a load of balls.

Enjoy snapping some photos :)

No-one should be that comfortable in a place of work - you are paid to help aid change, even if you think that at the time it's a load of balls.

even if after it is a load of balls too :D

At some point I might call on your services btw. :)

Sure :)

Are we flagging this doughnut?

:D he is very erratic.

Hi @tarazkp

I hope you won't mind this comment (it's not really related in any way to your current publication).

I've been just wondering if you joined PALnet airdrop (PALnet is a token build on Steem-engine).

If you didn't claim it then perhaps I could ask you for small favour. Would you consider claiming your tokens and selling or delegating it to me for few months? I would obviously pay you some STEEM for those tokens (I can even pay for delegation - I want to invest some time and money into that platform).

How to claim your token?

a) login in (it's build on STEEM blockchain, so you will use same login details)
b) login in
c) claim your tokens -> to do that you need to open and go to "wallet". In left-top corner you will have PALnet (blue colour) logo. Click on it and claim your PAL tokens.
d) go to your palnet wallet and either transfer your PAL tokens to crypto.piotr or STAKE it and delegate to me (click STAKE and then "advanced" and simply type in my username).

Amount of received tokens depend mostly on your current level of SP (I'm not sure if delegations are being taken into consideration as well).

So based on my current experience, if you have 200 STEEM POWER then you should be able to receive something around 100-150 PALnet tokens.
I would pay you 10 STEEM for purchasing each 100 of those PAL tokens. So basically you can earn something and help me grow on this particular platform, making both of us happy :) Plus you would sell/delegate those tokens without bringing down their current price (you won't need to dump them on exchange).

You would earn some extra STEEM and I would have higher STAKE in this platform.

I've only 500 STEEM I can spent on that purpose (plus airdrop will not last forwer) so HURRY UP :) :)


You got a 25.97% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @tarazkp! :)

@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current max bid is 15 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM.
Check our website for the whitelist, queue and delegation info. Join our Discord channel for more information.

If you like what @ocd does, consider voting for ocd-witness through SteemConnect or on the Steemit Witnesses page. :)

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