FiverrClerks - Fiverr Zero to SEOClerks Hero. -Foreword => My Ebooks

in #business8 years ago

Hey Steemit,
As some of you might know, I'm a freelancer and I'm Muhammad Ikhlas an author. My niche is Internet Marketing and I thought I'd share one of my previous products here, starting off with the Forewords. This is written during late 2014-2016 and released in the beginning of 2016.

Forewords and about me

I come from a simple family. My father brought the food to the table and my mom was an housewife. My father got ill and during his last years in life, he was sick. He never complained as much as you could imagine.. Four heartattacks and one cerebral haemorrhage later and he was still trying his best. He tried and he pushed himself. Unfortunately, he passed away in late December 2012. At home, in front of me. I was 27 years old.. That's a different story so I won't go into any more details about it, but I want you to understand one thing.. I'm not different from you at all.

When I struggle.. or lost focus and/or motivation I usually listen to this:


I've been doing this for a few years now, ever since I worked as a salesman. It keeps me motivated and helps me endure long hours of work. There's lots of similar ones on Youtube too.

I don't try to force you to become someone you're not or to listen to something you're not interested in.. What I'm doing here is trying to clarify what type of person I am myself and what I do to keep myself motivated when things are hard. That said, I am like you. In one way or another.

No one will give you a million dollar house or a new red Ferrari for free. No one. Never. If you want something you'll have to get it yourself. Work hard and get it..

When I first started out, I stumbled across Warrior Forum, which enabled me to now be able to form opportunities where others see issues and speed bumps..

My first course of action was reading a wide range of different WSO listings the first day. I think I probably read about 10 or 15 different WSO threads and probably double the amount of threads within the Main Internet Marketing Forum. I was still a guest, an amazed one.

People with specific talents or knowledge sold products so others could take advantage and learn from their experience.. It looked amazing.. I saw potential right away.. The next couple of weeks continued just like that.
This went on.. and on.. and on.. I never took action. I never tried anything myself..

It wasn't until way later I finally understood that I'd be doing research without even knowing it!

One day I found Fiverr and all of the "fiverr clones" out there.. Took me about 20 seconds until I'd created my very first service.. -An ebook I had Resell rights for.

I tought I'd rake in sales within a few minutes on Fiverr but.. nothing. Not even a single sale. And why..?

I was a total rookie.. I had no idea what I was doing. I was certain of becoming rich and make thousands. I thought I'd find "THE" way. The shortcut.. I never heard about failure.. I'd read threads and bought products where authors claimed to give me all the secrets and all the possibilities to earn tons of cash.. I felt
deceived.. Not even one sale..

After a couple of weeks, still without sales, I joined a few similar sites.. Also known as Fiverr clones today. With a bit more knowledge, due to all my reading, I created the same gig again. I did a few things differently. I used another title and I made some changes within the descriptions compared to what I'd done on Fiverr earlier.. I started to provide PLR ebooks in different niches, Weight loss, Fitness, Graphic Design and all that and truth to be told, these where crap. I didn't knew it at that time but I realized it quite fast..

Why would someone write an ebook about how you can become a graphic designer and make "trillions of dollars", and sell it for a few bucks with Resell or even Master Resale Rights..? Why would they sell their knowledge, their foolproof step-by-step guide, to become a design-guru who'll earn "millions" by selling graphic designs, instead of selling designs themselves?

Who knew I'd be that stupid.. I went for it.. That time and a whole lot of other times.. I've spent thousands of dollars and believe me, I'm glad I did it.. Why you ask?
– Because that's basically the reason for my success today.

Anyway, I think I earned like $15 my first two weeks by providing people with these PLR ebooks.. And I was insanely happy about it! Not because that $15 made my life easier or anything.. Just because it actually worked. I could sell on the internet too! In matter of days, I'd become a top seller on 2 of the clones. Top seller on a few more clones within weeks..

**Note: But I must say it’s not difficult at all to become a top seller on the clone sites. Mainly because they’re not even close to having the amount of members that Fiverr has. That said, I do believe it can be a great way of getting more exposure, so I'd still recommend using Fiverr clones, for starters at least. A month or two later, I stopped delivering "the crap PLRs" to my clients, and I started to provide simple graphics.. I started to work for about 10 hours per day.. I'm not a designer in any way which is the reason for the insane amount of work. I worked for a few hours for each order I got.. Graphic Designs where a hot topic so I got a few sales each day.. 100% positive ratings. Top rated seller. Nice reviews.. It felt good. I did people favours and I got a little bit of cash doing it. Like a tip for holding the door to an elderly woman or something.

All of this went on for a few more months.. I had stopped doing business on Fiverr at this time due to the lack of sales and because of my success on other sites.. but during this time.. I had a breaktrough moment.. I found SEOClerks for the first time.

I'm a Level X5 user on SEOClerks today, which is the highest user level they have. Like Top Rated Seller on Fiverr. A special Badge and all. I found SEOClerks in the middle of a competition they had.. Affiliates?!

During this competition, SEOClerks had a promo thing where people could earn "Clerks-Money", doing small tasks. Money I could spend on SEOClerks but not withdraw..

Simple as one-two-three. With dollars sitting in my SEOClerks account, I started to wonder what I could spend them on.. An ocean full of services.. Twitter followers for instance. I obviously knew about Twitter and I knew about followers.. Would be great to have a twitter account with 15000+ followers.. All fake which I didn't realize until most of them dropped within a few days..

I never understood the mistakes I did.. One day, it hit me like a brick.. I might not be able to provide this specific service myself since I have no idea how they do it.. but... what if it LOOKED like I knew?

I'd never heard of arbitrage or resell before that. Not like this. Not at all. I never knew and had never thought about it before that day.. Obviously, I knew I could sell PLR ebooks.. but services?

This was my game-changer.
I went back to the clones and deleted my design gigs, I went back to Fiverr and created new gigs and I started to provide services on SEOClerks too.. I "INVENTED" THE RESELL ALL BY MYSELF! I got orders from one place, bought the service from another place and earned money doing literally nothing at all. Except spending a few minutes writing..
I sold services for $5 and bought them for $1 (sometimes for $2). That equates, $4 profit since Fiverr takes a $1 commission.. $4 profit for spending a few seconds sending two messages.. That was awesome!

Story continues...

I'm not an active seller on Fiverr at the time writing this, and haven't been for more than a year. I do use it, but not as a seller. I use Fiverr as a buyer. Here's some details from my SEOClerks account.

$23,750+ already withdrawn. That's a decent amount, right?

Note that this is not something I've made during a week or month. This is what I've made in total since I started my adventure there. ( About 2 years of earnings. )

That technically equates to almost $1,000 extra per month. From one of my income streams.. and the best part of it.. because of SEOClerks Affiliate Program, I've earned $1,500+ in 100% passive income too! (Actually a bit more than this because you earn 2% extra on all affiliate sales when you become a Level 5+ user). On top of this, I've also earned $1,164 on Fiverr ($450+ in 30 days while spending 60 seconds processing orders. I have a Level 2 account on Fiverr) & more than $1,000 from my first WSO I launched..

Within this product you'll be able to read about my whole venture.

Why, When and How. I reveal everything.
From Fiverr Zero to SEOClerks Hero – And Everything Between.
What I've accomplished until today

I have my own personal business relationships and customers worldwide.
I have a small team who works directly under me.
I have launched several products & services.
I am a level X5 user on SEOClerks.
I have a Level 2 account on Fiverr.
I earn money during the time I sleep. Literally.
The reason I share this information with you, is because I want you all to understand one thing. I was a total rookie. A blatant, stupid and ignorant dude without any real goals and this list is what I have today..

If I can reach these kind of goals.. So can you. I have no doubts at all. All it takes, is determination & time.

So why shouldn't you aim for success too?

Hopefully, my experience I share within this product will help you a long way.. All I ask is that you put what you learn from my story into practice. Study it, learn it, apply it, and the results will follow. That, I can guarantee you.
What you will not see is "evidence" like screenshots from my paypal account as these can easily be faked. And many of them are. You've seen my earnings from SEOClerks. You will be able to see my earnings from my WSO launch. On top of that, you can already see my earnings from Fiverr within my previous WSO. Fiverr Genie. With that said, I will not share details or talk about how much I earn from my personal clients.. I'm here to reveal what I've done & what YOU can do too!


Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 4.8 and reading ease of 84%. This puts the writing level on par with Ernest Hemingway and Donald Trump.

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