11 outstanding reasons why you need a mentor. 2/2

in #business6 years ago
  • You're more likely to succeed with a mentor.

Here's what the numbers say; a study conducted late 2013 show that over 80% of successful CEOs have received mentorship in one form or the other. At the start up stage, the same research show that 93% of start-ups admit that mentorship is instrumental to success.
Your chances of success in life and in business can be amplified by having the right mentor. The valuable connections, timely advice, occasional checks together with the spiritual and moral guidance you'd gain from having a mentor would literally leap frog you to success.

  • They push you to learn

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A mentor will easily notice when you're lagging behind in terms of knowledge, their job is to push you in the right direction and most of the times this starts with information.
Any real mentor will recommend reading material that applies to your industry or your particular field, they'd point out what you should look into in order to draw much needed knowledge from it and they'd keep you focused on improving your knowledge because they know how important it is if you're to succeed.

  • A mentor will save you a lot of money

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Every single mistake you make will cost you money, that's usually how people learn, they spend time in money making mistakes and then they take out knowledge. A mentor is able to provide you with the knowledge you need, sparing you the expense of going through it yourself because they've done this before, they already know how to optimize your entire process so you spend the least amount of money necessary in order to get the biggest possible result, they're able to see leaches in your business that you might otherwise miss. By having him or her actively involved, you're saving a ton of money.

  • They can help you make the right choice

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They'd be points in your journey where you reach a crossroad and need to make a choice, having a mentor smoothens out that process, they can help you better assess the situation and edge you into making the right call for both yourself and your business depending on what your end goal is. There are very few people in the world that can give calculated advice in time as these and a mentor is one of them.

  • They share your core values

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If someone decides to accept you as their mentee, it usually means that to some degree, they see themselves in you, they relate to your story, to your struggles and they want you to succeed. Finding someone who shares your core values is probably the most difficult point in this post, because we're all coming from different backgrounds, we all have different stories, it's the core values that'll be the biggest decider on whether a mentorship relation will commence or not. The two parties could have the same work ethic, usually the same uprising and have overcome a similar challenge earlier on, that's something to consider when picking a mentor, because otherwise the mindset will not be the same and the relation is bound to fail.

I'm curious to know, dear readers, do you have a mentor? Someone outside of your family that has already walked the same road you plan on walking on, let me know down in the comments.

Most people probably stopped reading this post about half way through, so as reward I'd give probably the most valuable piece of information contained in this post; here's how to get a mentor if you don't have one already.
The first step is to know yourself and where you want to go, discover your passions.
The second step; find someone who is already in the vicinity of that point and who's living proof that your goal is achievable, this person should be from your geography and a success story in your area, the bigger their success the harder they'll be to connect with.
Step three; study him or her, find out where they're from, what's their story, what their business look like and learn as much as possible about their business.
Step four; reach out to them, proving you've done your homework and offer to help them with their business for free.
Find a particular function in their business that you can do and offer to do it for free, this is the secret to getting a mentor. You want free valuable advice and contacts, you've got to work for it first.
A few examples could be managing their social media aspect, helping to optimize their schedule anything that takes a burden off their shoulders would do.
Best of luck, it's not going to be easy but it'll definitely be worth it.

Authored by @Vwovwe


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Of course, the usefulness of mentorship cannot be over-emphasized; business, relationship-wise, life in genera. Big ups for this post @stach ....it would be very helpful

Yeah @michades97. Even in steemit, there is need for a mentor, so we don't make the mistakes they made.

Well said,

@stach this is cool
Of course having a good mentor is one of the major steps in success...just like you mentioned they share core values with you this makes dr success your success and guide you through every step all the way.

Tganks for sharing @stach 😊👏✌

Definitely, thanks for stopping by

@stach See, I know my passions and my goals as a human, but finding the right mentor is going to be a little harder. Nobody like me anywhere near here. I see bloggers and other individuals like vlogger philip defranco that inspire me but finding sponsors and mentors..I dont know where to really start. I know alot of important things and have a way with words, my close friends all have atleast a few dollars in cryptocurrency here and there when they otherwise never would have due to misinformation and lack of buzz in our vicinity. From Vernon, BC, Canada.I Would like to travel abroad, fix the planet, starting with revitalizing my community with renewable energy and education. I want to really create content. I want to have a budget that can allow me to do that. In fact I honestly need it in my life.

You just have to clarify what you want and take your time to search for someone that has made great achievement in you chosen path, someone who is accessible.

I couldn't agree more with these points... I believe a mentor is someone who has passed a certain path that we seek to follow so it put them is a great position to guide us not to make the same mistakes they made while following that path... Thanks for sharing 👍 😘

You're welcome @punkey

i need some help, can you be my mentor =) ?

You need to clarify the area of life you need to be mentored in.

Good counsel ,but the must difficult part is knowing the right person to choose as your mentor because is not everyone who smiles at or with you is actually happy with you.one factor one needs to consider when choosing a mentor should be a man with the fear of God

And now I know why most of our ancient ancestors had mentors, I alteady guessed some of these points but seeing them ordered here, made me realize how bad not having one is...

I read this post at the right time... I think?

I'm glad you found it useful

@stach, thank you for being a great mentor for Steemians in the Southern Nigeria and Nigeria at large. You are indeed a Steemit model.

Thanks for stopping by

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