Productivity Hack of the day - why you NEVER finish anything!

in #business7 years ago
There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.

David Lloyd George

Unless you are very differnet to most people, you never really finish anything! Look around your house, your work, your life. You will see numerous unfinished projects lying around.

There are many reasons that this happens, but here are the main ones.

Not starting

You have lots and lots and lots of ideas and one day you might act one one of them, forgive my language but this is bullshit! Plain and simple, when you have an idea and think that it is good just start acting on it, as Nike says "Just Do It" at least you will have started.


Now that you have started, please do not stop to start planning it. Of course you have to plan on what you are going to do and how you are going to get there but please do not spend so long planning something that you actually end up getting bored of it before it starts or worse still you spend more time planning and no time doing.

Just giving up

Maybe you are just plain lazy, maybe you are afraid, maybe your mother told you that you would never amount to anything. These are all just excuses. The only person that is responsible for your life is YOU!


It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be finished

That last 20%

In the cases it is that last bit of the task that is left unfinished, I actually think that it is amazing how many people never actually push on for the final part of the work or project, it may be fatigue, it may be laziness, I actually don't know, but the number of people that I meet who never actually do that last 20% is amazing, please don't be one of them, finsih the job!

I apologise to those that don't like boxing, but this is how you finish a job

Thanks to giphy for the images today.


For me the last 20 percent is usually when I run out of steam and it's just the monotous tying up of loose ends, when I start something I Imagine what it's going to be like and it's exciting, halfway i'm stoked that i'm half way done and seeing the progress, and it starts winding down from there. Good tips though :)

@andypalooza I am the same , for everything on the list, I always find the last 20% the hardest and probably most boring part to finish, but unfortunately it is probably the most important!

For me it's about getting started. That's the hardest part.

@mjtiemps That is probably the problem for the majority of people, but a bit like a rolling stone....once you get started the momentum will carry you forward :-)

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