Did the Supreme Court Just Screw Small eCommerce Sellers?

in #business6 years ago

So recently the Supreme Court reversed a previous ruling Quill vs. North Dakota which had said that online retailers didn't have to collect sales tax on sales to states they don't have a physical presence in.

So previously if my business was in Illinois and I only had a presence in Illinois I only had to collect sales tax on sales within my state. If someone from California ordered from me I didn't have to collect sales tax.

This recent Supreme Court ruling means now states have the ability to force out of state sellers to collect sales tax on their behalf. Now there is no requirement states do this but we know the government is always grabbing money so I imagine most will.

This means that if I'm in Illinois and I sell an item to a customer in California I'm now required to collect sales tax. Out of 50 states currently 45 states have a state sales tax.

There's basically two arguments going on here or two sides. The side opposing this says that it's ridiculous to put this burden on small business. Not only are there 50 states, but you also have cities, counties, municipalities so potentially there's over 13,000 different tax codes a seller will have to follow.

The other side in favor of this says it's unfair that online retailers get to skirt sales taxes and with eCommerce becomming more prevalant this is more money the states are missing out on.

I'm actually heading out of town so wanted to keep this video somewhat brief as I have to get packing, but when I get back in town we'll make a video following up on this.

If I left anything out feel free to drop a comment and educate us on this further and if you want to share how you feel about this or how you think this is going to affect you and your business please drop a comment in the comments section below and tell us about it.

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I see it as just another level of government sticking their nose into everyones buisness add the fact that now You the seller have more work to figure out all the taxes for each state.

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