How to start an online business from scratch

in #businesslast year


With the web, it is now possible to set up a profitable business from home. Through online business, you are no longer forced to have a physical structure to develop a lucrative activity. However, even though such an opportunity is available to everyone, very few of those who take it up succeed. The success of an online business requires a certain know-how and the implementation of an adequate strategy. Although strategies may vary, all successful people follow the same guideline. Do you really want to make your web project a success ? I tell you through this article the essentials to know to get your e-business off to a good start.Discover here the method to start a business and earn your first 1000 euros in 1 month :
As with a traditional business, it is imperative that you define objectives for your web project from the start. This is the first step that will get you started. Yes, you want to make money on the internet, but that’s not a goal. It’s more of a motivation. Set specific goals. I often recommend to my coachees to clearly define their main objective as well as specific secondary objectives. Defining the main objective clearly allows you not to navigate by sight and avoid recurring problems such as :
• Approximate decision-making ;
• Mismanagement of your business ;
• The perpetual restart ;
• Financial losses…
Having a main objective guides you in choosing the strategy to implement and in defining deadlines. In addition to the main objective, you must specify specific objectives to be achieved periodically. On the one hand, this will allow you to determine the area in which you wish to intervene and to identify the resources you will need.

On the other hand, knowing the specific objectives of your online business leads to a good analysis of market realities. It is on this basis that you can build a coherent project that has a better chance of succeeding.


First of all, I would point out that a profitable niche is not necessarily one that benefits from a very large audience. The best way to succeed in your project is to target a monetizable audience that has a real long-term interest. Another very important point is that the chosen niche must allow you to offer a wide range of products and services. Therefore, avoid contracts for temporary or seasonal services.
Here is an even more important element : the theme chosen must meet the expectations and needs of your audience. This is the essential element that will make your business take off on the internet. You probably already have the business of your dreams in mind. However, it is possible that this idea that you hold is not up to your ambitions. If so, put your ego aside and think about something else, in order to find the right niche, the market that will be profitable. I also advise my coachees to choose a niche that has already proven itself, but which is not saturated. Indeed, the public only seeks what it knows. Also, forget the markets where there are no competitors.
This does not mean that you have to choose a theme that you do not like. On the contrary, you must be passionate about the theme of your niche. You must be able to talk about it regularly and over several years. This is the sine qua non condition for developing the project over time and making it profitable. In case you cannot find a niche you are passionate about, you can opt for task delegation. You will then need to find an expert who will advise you on the subjects to be covered.
You now know your objectives and you have already defined the niche in which you want to operate. But until now, you only have an approximate knowledge of your project. Setting up an online business requires a certain number of skills, in addition to certain resources. Here are the 3 important elements :
• Technical skills ;
• Time optimization ;
• Financial investment.
You must have certain technical skills if you want to succeed in your e-business. We first think about the skills related to the services you want to offer. Then there are the skills that relate to the world of the web. It is obvious that you have a certain know-how on the activity that you are going to set up. When it comes to web skills, they are more technical. If you have no technical skills, then you will be forced to make avoidable expenses when deploying your activities. You will also be more prone to making certain mistakes. This is why you need to take courses to train yourself, in order to master the basics, including :
• Know how to find the niche of your online business ;
• Know how to analyze keywords ;
• Learn to write for the web ;
• Know how to create a landing page ;
• Know the fundamentals of WordPress ;
• Understand online marketing…
Having the right skills makes it easier to deploy your business over the long term. If you decide to take training, do it with experienced people. This will allow you to avoid certain errors and to progress quickly. Also be careful not to turn to unserious online training. There are plenty of them on the web. They are usually quite easy to spot :
• You are promised incredible results in a few hours of work ;
• You are promised to reveal a “magical” solution/secret to you ;
• We promise to train you to obtain financial independence for only 90€…
In short, take the time to think for 30 seconds about the promise made, you can quickly judge the seriousness of a training.
Do not expect to have a return on investment just a few days after launching your online business. You should know that it takes months to see the first positive results, unless you start with a big budget. Patience is therefore essential in this area. Therefore, it is more prudent to have a reserve of money. It will be used for your vital needs and to finance, during the first months, the activities related to your project.
The creation of the business plan is a fundamental step for the realization of your web project. This document allows you to answer several questions that will provide you with precise details on the progress of your e-business. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to develop a good business plan :
• What is the typical profile of my clients ?
• What values do I want to pass on to them ?
• What channels should I use to reach my targets ?
• What activities and tasks will I have to carry out ?
It is a document that defines the type of relationship to be established with your customers. It specifies the products and services that correspond to their needs, as well as the prices at which they are willing to acquire them. You must also include in the business plan all the resources you will need, including the list of partners.
This document is an effective tool that gives you an overview of what you have to do. It also allows you to set up a specific action plan. This simply consists of listing the different stages of your project in chronological order. It must therefore be divided into major poles and sub-tasks, respecting the time factor of course. Writing a business plan is advantageous because it allows you to be methodical. In addition, you can more easily know how fast you are progressing, what you still have to do, and the readjustments that are necessary.
A mistake that many of my clients make is believing that it is possible to do business online in a snap. Such a project requires time, and not just a little. To work on the web, you need a constant and regular investment.
You will be forced to perform time-consuming tasks while respecting a well-defined timeline. So you need to be well organized. Good time management contributes to better administration of your financial resources and to the optimization of the functioning of your activities.
You don’t necessarily have to reinvent the wheel to set up an online business. To succeed, you must follow the example of those who are successful on the internet. So, feel free to visit their websites, podcasts and blogs. Analyze how they proceed, the techniques they use, and learn from it. Of course, you will not have all the answers, but you will have food for thought and you will know what you need to train on.
In addition to explaining how they proceed, you can also ask them directly to help you. In this case, you will need to contact the right people. The online entrepreneurs you will consult must know your field of activity, but also understand you. To take advantage of their expertise, you can request a personalized coaching session or take courses to fill your gaps on certain specific points.


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