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RE: Steem for Business: Thinking about a Steem-Powered customer loyalty program

in #business2 years ago

My question is, how do we get business to see this opportunity? How do we lead the horse to water?

I wish I knew. My only thoughts would be a professional marketing campaign or launching a proof of concept business partnership. If one business were to succeed this way, I suppose others would follow suit.

IMO, the ability to invest money to fund a business program, instead of paying for the service outright should be a real differentiator, but it needs to be communicated and/or demonstrated in a way that attracts businesses (and non-profits).


Agreed. Their main issue will be the volatility of STEEM and the possibly that they could loose their initial $80k investment (number used in your model). Though if it's strictly for growing the business they should write that off anyways as a costs of growing the business I would think... What business specifically do you think this would appeal to the most?

What business specifically do you think this would appeal to the most?

Initially, I'd say low cost, high volume businesses with repeat daily customers. Convenience stores, coffee shops, bars, news stands. Anywhere that you could get a lot of traffic and would just need to convert a low percentage of customers.

Later, if the idea actually got traction, I can imagine that luxury businesses might want to give out high-power rewards, say a $500 upvote for a selfie with your new Ferrari, for example.

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