#1 How not to do it – Introduction

in #business7 years ago

Have you ever had a great idea, a plan or thought that you just ‘know’ will be big but then don’t do anything about it? If so then this is for you.


I’ve been fortunate enough in life to have it pretty easy, and I’m grateful for that. Let me be totally clear, I’ve worked hard for what I have, but I’ve also slacked off a lot and shied away from big ideas and plans because I allowed this little voice in my head to throw in an element of doubt only to see months or sometimes years later that the exact idea I had is now mainstream or thriving as a business… I don’t blame that voice though, because without that warning sign or word of caution we’d probably not have survived as a species. We’d have been like, oh hey that big cat (Lion) looks mean but I wanna pet it anyway! And the rest (and by rest I mean you) would be history. So I don’t blame that voice for giving me a word of caution, I blame myself for fully listening to that voice without question.

This is my story and my insights, into opportunities and ideas that have come my way, some of which are money and business orientated and others are life choices, which I haven’t capitalised on when maybe I should have. My aim is to hopefully motivate anyone who’s bothered to read this using a backward sort of logic because I tend to see a HUGE amount of successful people preaching ‘DO THIS – it will change your life’ and ‘DO THAT – it worked for me!’ I want to approach this from a different angle. My angle is ‘IGNORE THE DOUBT BUT LISTEN TO IT’ which seems a contradiction of terms right? What I mean is, don’t allow the doubt to convince you not to do something, listen to it, acknowledge the risks and then decide on the action….DO NOT BE CRIPPLED BY THAT VOICE IN YOUR HEAD!

I’m going to be sharing my stories with you and also my thoughts. This is something I thought about doing a few years back and once again decided against it because that little voice was saying – ‘will anyone listen, what if you put all that effort in and no one cares?’

Today I don’t care, I’m putting it out there anyway! Without any motive or intention for anything other than on the hope that someone reading this will take action on a grand idea or plan they have, however big or small and do something great with their life. If I can inspire one person to acknowledge but then cast that doubt aside and move forward with a dream of theirs anyway then I’ll be happy for that.

Look out for my first story tomorrow, it’ll be about the ideas I had to save a struggling business back when I was at college 12 years ago.


Self-doubt is a product of fear and it will have you stuck! The voices in your head and all of that negative self-talk will paralyze you and keep you from your most truth destiny. We have to learn to turn down those negative voices and turn up the positive mantra. We have to be able to make a move past our fears. When we do that the entire world opens up for us. This was a really great post. Welcome!

Thanks! You're right, its all about positive attitudes and thought processes. I hope to post some of the mistakes and subsequent lessons learnt and hopefully others will avoid the same mistakes. :)

Those are the best blogs! I really look forward to reading them. Sometimes the smallest detail that we run across is often the best gift. I often find validation from the universe just from reading a piece here and there.

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