SMM (Social Media Marketing)

in #business7 years ago

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Since my primary and favorite field of Internet marketing. Talk about a very popular and is now growing in social networks.
With the emergence and development of social networks appeared SMM marketing.
The task of a good marketer in social media is not to overwhelm you is not necessary, but interesting and understandable to choose your target audience, and offer those products or services that are of interest.
Social media marketing differs from "traditional" sales, and if You do not know and do not take into account the unique characteristics of social networks, you get boring commercials, which is either annoying or invisible.
What is the difference of SMM from other types of marketing.

  1. Communication and entertainment.

In social networks people come with two main goals: communication and entertainment. Consequently, marketing through SMM should be based on the basis of communication with the target audience.
If you download the normal content of advertising that is not aimed at communication and entertainment, he will ignore and not notice. That is to promote your product or service, users must engage in dialogue and to relax. And in the process, to show that your product or service can be useful to them.
For example, when using Taratynova advertising when there is only a picture and a minimal signature, the user more likely to click if the picture is something funny and curious. If a person sees a hint of amusement, he is more interested in that proposal and is ready to click on it and everyone will be happy.

  1. Personality

Social networks provide a huge opportunity to promote your personal brand. Long known that people prefer to buy from people, not faceless companies. The main task is to ensure that you will begin to learn "in person". This will increase trust. And where trust is there and sales.
If you're using a promotion of the individual, then this person and show. To make it clear that you are a real person with their own interests, sense of humor, and life. Not cold and empty business accounts.
This is especially true for services. Here and examples of work and testimonials of satisfied customers, and communication, and most importantly, real people with their real life interests.

  1. Virus

Usually, the websites free traffic through the search engines. This is called SEO promotion. SEO works for a long time. If once to write an article and at the request comes in the TOP search engines, it stays there for a long time and a long time will lead traffic.
CMM free traffic like a virus. You wrote interesting post. A new person came to the group, did a repost. Friends saw your post, it too was pleasant to them and they came in their group, and also showed activity, likes, reposts, comments. The difficulty lies in the fact that if you do one great post, it will work only 1-2 days and all. During this time there will be many cool and interesting posts, and yours will be history.

Now there is a much greater variety of social networks, and still continue to appear new. Why is it necessary if I'm all together can be one and rejoice. The fact that all social networks are different. And the people that they are different.
If you take the most popular in Russia, we can see that the audience of Facebook, the most intellectually developed. The people there prefer to discuss the issues of the world politics, economy, social issues, business, education.

The Russian Vkontakte more easy, fun and simple. They prefer entertainment, cat, funny pictures, jokes. Serious topics to interest them difficult.
The audience istogramma – it's mostly girls who post their pictures, discuss them. They are interested in all the beauty and "girl".

So I came to Steemit. In my opinion, the audience closer to the audience, Facebook Is a progressive-minded, intellectually developed, who are interested in quality information. The chain is actively growing, has a huge potential and its own unique features. A big plus for business is the possibility of financial cooperation in the network of currency in the absence of external financial control.
In my opinion, a well-known social networking is already saturated with information and advertising, need to make more of an effort to be noticed, heard, interested. Old sites and Your competitors, I think, in large enough quantities, which further complicates the task of promotion.
Steemit Playground is a breath of fresh air. Create interesting and original content! Go for it! To stay one step ahead of your competitors!


Воть... это был мой апвоут.
Похоже он таки будет падать, но всё равно ничотак.

да, спасибо) буду пробовать писать и тут тоже

Quite an educatio. Thanks for posting.. I really learnt a thing or two from your post. This is to motivate you to do more. More upvotes for you from me. Well done

thank you I am very pleased

Great post, are you working as a social media marketer?

Nice starter for anyone who wishes to dip their feet into social media marketing!

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