If truth must be told, are we any different from others.docx

in #business6 years ago (edited)

What is that thing that makes you think, you are so special? Have you ever wondered why you have those grand ideas that you are better that somebody else, maybe your friend or just any random person. OK, let me let you in on a secret. This secret is not really a secret merely because it is a fact that dwells in the deepest part of your mind, somewhere in your subconscious. You haven't actually chosen to believe it as the reason your life is seeming miserable.

Let me take you down👇








Down we are to those times when we were much younger and couldn't think for ourselves or capable of defending ourselves mentally. When we played with our friends at school and were verbally abused or insulted for example. We ran to our mothers or maybe parents as the case was. Wailing and lamenting that we are not good enough for our friends. Then our mothers would tell us that we are special and different just to calm us down and make us happy.

Really? Are we any different from our friends or neighbors? Many grown up young men and women and at times very old people still have this mental thinking that they are different from others. If truth be told, no one is different from any other being no matter the gender, race, or color. We all have been mislead and misinformed. Gathering with us a misunderstanding of the true realities of facts because of the white lies our parents were told us out of kindness.

There isn't any atom of doubt in this, that every creature even the very tiniest that exist on earth is unique for the sole reason of existence and purpose. A philosopher ones said that no two elements or material can be completely classified as same even if there share similar characteristics like looks, color, or shape and size. If they were same in all respect, then they will seize to be different and become one. This explains the so-called difference in man and counters the ideas that many people have of being different from another. They judge difference on the scale of acquired possessions not remembering that every man has the equal opportunities and capabilities to gather wealth. The other man just doesn't know how yet.

Every human being is given an equal chance of succeeding. Man shares this respect with his fellow-man in his house, street, country and the entire world. It is irrespective of gender, color, race or whatever category man falls into.

All humans are born with flesh and bone. Therefore, there is no disparity when it comes to opportunity each man has over the other. Opportunity comes to all; and every man has the probability of either winning or losing in this race of life.

Why then do we see many losing?

Many lose because they have chosen the low way instead of the high way which is associated with high risk that can guarantee success in any endeavor what so ever, that he chooses to partake in.

This post highlight my desires in business. I shall continue to write urge of exposing the wrong conceptions in my society towards wealth, today. Thank you for reading.

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