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RE: 5 Ways to Protect Your Time - Business Tips #2

in #business6 years ago

I plan my week and make necessary adjustments every Sunday evening. I then adjust the monthly goals during the last week of every month (usually a Sunday). I include quarterly adjustments in my monthly updates if necessary.

It seems you are doing something similar. What I've learnt is that things always change and it's mostly out of your control. The key for me is to not loose sight of the longer terms goals and adjust accordingly.

Depending on what milestones are coming up, my role focus will change. Sometimes more family focused, sometimes more business focused. I'm running my first full marathon in October, so I'm guessing September will be very training focused 😉


That's what I call being principle-centered! And I think the main key is to stay consistent. Thanks for taking the time to reply,, take care Mister!

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