Lies, Damned Lies and Politics

in #business7 years ago

Part 1:

No longer doth manners maketh man; nowadays money maketh man.

In short our peoples have been swayed and coaxed and cajoled and persuaded to like or to dislike according to the wishes and agendas of commercial organisations whose Mission Statements are patently NOT to do everything for their customers and go that extra mile; but to MAKE MONEY regardless on the backs of the peoples whom they cannot but despise as being their dupes and their factory farms for revenues. So many years now has even the most innocuous and slight thing to have come to their sight been land-grabbed by some ‘enterprising capitalist’ – just as the ‘privateer’ heroes of Elizabeth I were plain and simple pirates of the high seas, these same ‘enterprising capitalists’ have found themselves feted and lionised, and awarded this and that prizes, and generally hailed as great public benefactors, and them at the same time being in receipt of grant aid funding from here and from there, often grant aid funding come out of public taxes; and in short the whole shooting match and carnival parade of advertising and hype are lavished gorgeously upon them; so that nothing but nothing is held up to the peoples and to our youth, other than capital and money and business business business, and nothing else might be worthwhile and salutary and of great value and joy to them and to others.

Now I want to go into detail about a particular instance of this post-truth marketing hype style politics which is going on right now as I write. Indeed this evening in the House of Commons in the UK Parliament the vote on the Great EU Withdrawal Bill is being voted on by our Members of Parliament in the small hours.

The pushy guys are mostly those who want a distinct distancing of Britain from the EU henceforth They are those who approved and put forward the campaign of mickey-mouse debate by which they without conscience fooled an electorate into falling in a pit they had dug for them. It was a pit condoned by the electorate themselves. These pushy guys, those who made the power grab, that political bloodless coup, which we saw happen in Britain in 2016, are now lining up to have themselves, now being government ministers of state, more or less in sole personal control of how and when and to what should 20 plus years of EU legislation which is currently integrated into British Law, be adapted and adopted to so as to become non-EU Law and so only wholly true blue British Law.

The argument they run with says that the bulk of EU legislation in British law is so great that summary powers of alteration and amendment of it so as to make it British through and through is necessary for the sake of speed and efficiency and effectiveness. This minor caveat of whether UK Ministers of State should be able to bypass the Houses of Parliament altogether, in their ‘making British’ a shed-load of EU legislation, and so effectually to hold a carte blanche massive power uncontested, and incontestable. This would be power to tinker and scrap, to redraw and revel in their tasks of making British the unwanted EU Laws; this then is a small addenda tacked onto the EU Exit Bill going to a vote in UK Parliament later this evening.

The main course on the Bill being put to the vote is that side of Roast Beef which says that a YES vote tonight will take us out of Europe and the EU altogether. Thus is smuggled in along with this side of roast beef has been a cartload of English mustard and some large server platters; upon which are feasted those powers to be granted ministers of state enabling them to sideline British government and the way it has been handled religiously via Parliament, so that the Bill which seals our exit from the EU is locked into and inextricable from this massive legislative power-grab by the ruling party and its ministers.

This is not accidental nor is it unintended. It is the low and craven away in which politics are being done here. For a decade or more the ‘Britain for the British’ whingers have made their case by citing a ‘faceless EU bureaucracy’ in Brussels as being our effectual masters here in Britain. The British (that is, themselves, the party of the coup of 2016) had complained bitterly of the nation(themselves) having had no self-governance anymore, pouting like a spoilt child and bleating. And lo, as soon as ‘power is to be returned’ to British shores (themselves) the same spoilt brats make a bee line to land grab an absolute control over and above that age old control of the time-honoured British Parliament.

Such a cache of power hungry politicians are happily capable of pressing in their own defence that same argument of ‘hogging the power’ which they claimed to have abhor ed when it was coming out of Brussels. It’s clear that power is the be all and end all for this bunch of vipers. All is self-interest, all is dog eat dog with them. They are barely human.

In the press here has been somehow fed or leaked or maybe just ‘made up’ like fairy tales stories allegedly come from government, from the people of the coup, and perhaps it is so that they did originate from them, stories saying that Britain is to be billed £50 billion by the EU as an ‘exit tariff’. Another billboard poster non-debate. To date I am unclear about this alleged £50 billion and and about what it is to be a charged for, and even whether it is to be charged to Britain or is a fantasy. I do not know where the story came from, nor whether there is any grain of truth in it. The government merely allows things like this £50 billion story to run and run as stories like a viral folk medicine; so to aid its telling wherever they are able to without drawing attention to their vested-interest. In short the government make the most of a pantomime press whose news stories are brought from nearer Disneyland than out of a sense of honour.

The £50 billion is presented in press and the media generally as being ‘a bill’ a sort of ‘fine’ or plain ‘revenge’ a ‘final demand’ but not for services rendered to Britain nor yet to be rendered but as a sheer punishment to Britain for it leaving the EU. As if someone who hates you can knock on your door and demand lawfully money from you by threats as a punishment, It’s crazy.

There may be a figure – payable by Britain to EU employees and payable yet into joint-projects already begun and under way or in action. There will be tyings up of loose ends which Britain will have to bear a share of the cost for their making. That seems only reasonable. It is this, but I only suspect, I have no sound data with which to judge, that the EU is ‘billing’ us for; and the EU has not ‘billed’ us actually, but it has possibly suggested an open ended figure, a guesstimate forward notice of some areas where costs will be required to be fielded jointly by Britain and the EU. This is all that has been intimated by the EU to date I suspect. An unknown and as yet unknowable figure.

Like Trump in America the men and women of government here in UK are circus entertainers. Sadly they do not do government at all – neither well nor ill. They know how to dance and to juggle, but have not any grounding in responsibility and accountability or in applying sound policy or even in dismissing the obsession with self in favour of the honour and duty of doing Public Service. Our government is a bunch of leftovers, who thought they wouldn’t win the Brexit referendum, and who have found themselves landed with a Poison Chalice as their reward for their effrontery. An effrontery of them saying they represented a majority in our Liberal Democracy when they represented and yet represent only themselves, and of course the wild west commercial interests who sidle up to them; and whose tricks and craftiness they have so well and successfully learned and emulated. Unfortunately for us.

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