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RE: Business mentors when starting your own business.

in #business7 years ago (edited)

"It is only in implementing activities that change can occur and chances of success improve. Good intentions are great but get us nowhere if they are not implemented." -----> this is going to become my new mantra.
All of this advice is excellent. I am trying to get off the ground with some freelancing and various other projects. I need realism - it helps!! Thanks for this post, just wanted to tell you I appreciate it!


I agree with this. Having a mentor is like having the answers to the homework when you get stuck.

And, like having a friend who you can rant to who you KNOW will be honest, who will smack you with the truth when you most need it even if you don't want it! :D I haven't had a true business mentor. Sigh. I had a mentor who I really looked up to for years when I took Karate every single week, my Shihan. He did own his own business so I picked up many things from him. I think I need a mentor again, lol.

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