I have an Idea......

in #business7 years ago

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I love researching people, events, history, politics, economics....connections...

I spend most of my spare time researching things. Anything, really..

I love doing it.

And I have lots of free time...
So....If you want me to research a subject for a post, but you don't have the time needed to give it justice - let me do it for you!

This idea came about from a recent discussion I was having on steemit, and it necessitated looking for background information, to build a bigger picture..to get more context...
After doing this, and presenting some minimum of facts into the discussion, I realized I'd LOVE to this, and get paid at the same time.

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I discovered (in this example) that a renowned individual for a certain subject had possible connections to the Fabian society.....which was information initially not known about - and while it didn't change the discussion as such, it DID offer more information into possible motivations to their 'scientific' findings, and any potential biases.

Potential biases that may (or may not) have altered the presentation.

Information is key...

So why not offer my services on steemit? I thought ? Doing something I love, and educating myself - and others - at the same time...?

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And not just for steemit posts. Anyone that wishes to use my services for other sites, is all fine by me.(as long as they post a comment about my services, afterwards..)

I'm sure there are lots of authors who just don't have spare hours to delve around to make their post just that little bit better...
That little bit more in depth...That little bit higher earning?

Let me research for you. (I'm like a dog with a bone once I get into a subject, and will give the subject my full attention, and always try my best to do it justice!)

I will initially do a research piece, for 3 sbd for 5/6 hours investigation (or very possibly more time if I really 'get into it' )

I will present to you screenshots, connections, events, and typed information- to do with what you will.
(on email, not steemit.)

So send me a message if you want to get on board, and try me out!

If it works out profitable for myself – and for you of course - any initial supporters of this enterprise will always have a very big discounted price for my services in the future...
Paying it forward has it's own rewards, if you will...

All I ask for is the SBD (obviously), and a post on Steemit testifying to my results of using my service. (accolades and criticism's are both perfectly acceptable).
That way you will know my service is worthwhile and worth using. ( or not, as the case may be – I am willing to let the market judge my performance, and let the market decide..)

I hope people will see the potential benefits of this endevour to add to their quality of work.

The style is your own, but vital information may be lacking simply due to a lack of time to research....

If you are interested in trying me out, drop me a comment with your subject of inquiry and what you are looking for etc.

I will than chat on discord for any more details, get a better a perspective on your aims (if you wish me to know them), and your email information...(confidential)

The information will be yours to use as you see fit.

Give it a go!


Great service.. I like the idea... very good indeed.. hope it uplifts the quality of content on Steemit.

That's what I was thinking/hoping, too...

ps: Just had a quick look into Fabian Society 😳

Sorry that I had to submit such filth in front of your eyes ...😂😂😂

any collaborative project also a possibility- I'll provide the information, if you provide the eloquence- and patience - to construct quality pieces...not my forte, I'll admit..
(I'm impatient to get the information across that I have discovered)

By Jove I think you have a GREAT idea.
I hope it works out for you.
Unfortunately I will likely NOT be a customer.
I like to do the same thing.
I have nothing but FREE time to do it in.
(resteem..which I very rarely do..the upvote is a given)

Cheers matey ! I think so to...

Thanks for the resteem!

I'm sure there are people who could use the extra time investment in their background material... posts that would benefit from more in depth info....

Let's see what happens....

Thanks for leading me to this post!

you're welcome.
he's a crazy limey living in Thailand.
nice guy for all that.

So how does the math's work? (I'll use real English, not the colonial abhorrence)

1 crazy old timer in Texas + 1 crazy Limey in Thaliand = ?????

we got em outnumbered.

Check out the steemgigs tag for this post. I have used it a couple of time and had excellent results.

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