Own your life

in #business8 years ago


What is talent? is something that everybody has, it’s something in which you stand out in a unique way.

Today’s post is about all those pretty cool things that make us feel emotion and encourage us to be what we want to be, we needed maybe when we are dispirited to continue our rutine.

The main idea is to think about those things that motivate you and push you to go on, that makes you think about your dreams, aspirations and desires. At the end of the day can not be all work, we must also devote some time to us.

A lot of people around the world do countless activities that are maybe a bit crazy but they are awesome, and that makes us believe once again that human beings are incredible. Otherwise, some of them are common activities but made in a particular way that make it looks pretty cool, too. The proof is in the pudding, have a look of this one:


So, the question is: What is your passion? What makes you believe in yourself? How do you out stand?

I want to know about you, so leave your comment, ease yourself if you have the answer to these three questions. Other people maybe doesn’t like extreme sports, and maybe they’re more related to another stuff, for example people all the time get impress by the nature of our world, earth.

We have so many things here that we don’t even know, and our life is too short to see it all, that’s why we have to make the most of what we have. 

The life is one and only, it would be a shame to waste our time in something that we don’t even like it. So, I don’t know what is the dream that you have in your mind or that aspiration, but that dream is possible.

We already know that is hard, is not easy to make one step after another and in the process of working on our dreams, there are a lot of disappointments, and falls, but we don’t have to give up on our dreams, the bad time comes to pass.

Greatness is something that exist in everyone of us, is important to believe that we can achieve it, that you’re the one that can get it. It doesn’t matter if the others don’t see it, you have to know within yourself that you can do it, I must see it for myself! That’s the idea that has to be replayed everytime in your brain. No matter how bad it is or how bad it becomes, I’m going to make it! It’s not over until I win!

Take advantage of your life, own it, define your value as Tim Berling says in one of his songs: “When I was 16 my father told me: you can do anything you want with your life, you just have to be wiling to work hard to get it. That’s when I decided when I die, all I want to be remember is for the life I lived, not the money I made.” 

See! Live a life you will remember, because those are the nights that will never die and the rest will follow.

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