#16 5 Quick Tips To Network Like A ProsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #business7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever been to a networking event where you felt like a total stranger?

You looked around and it seems like everyone are deep in their own conversation, totally ignoring the fact that you actually exist in the room?

Sounds familiar?


Over the years of my corporate journey, I have been to numerous functions and networking events. As a keen observer and learner, I realised some of the best networkers in the room aren't the most handsome or pretty, neither are they the most qualified with a long string of titles.

The best networkers are the ones who are able to make a meaningful connection with their audiences and leave a lasting impression on them. They glide with ease from one group to another and by the time the event comes to a close, they would have sized up everyone in the room.

But, how do I do that without being crippled by fear?

Or risked being completely ignored and rejected by others?

These feelings are real, particularly if you are a born introvert.

Here are 5 things you can do to overcome that:

First Impression Matters



Experts say it only takes 7 seconds for a person to form an impression of you, upon meeting you for the first time.

So dressed the part.

As easy as it sounds, sometimes this can be one of the hardest steps as being over dressed or under dressed can send the wrong signal to everyone in the room. At times, it may even be misinterpreted as a sign of disrespect to the host.

So always checked the dress code and come in your best dress (literally)




Yup, that's right.

If you stomped into the room looking like you are ready to pounce on anyone, chances are you are turning people away more than attracting them to you.

Nobody likes to hang around with a poker face or a sour puss.

So relax and smile.

Introduce Yourself



Instead of waiting for someone to come up to you which could take forever, be pro active and approach them instead.

Introduce yourself and extend a firm handshake. A limp handshake signifies a lack of confidence. So make sure you offer a firm handshake to send the message that "You mean business".

Be Tactful

If a person is in the middle of a conversation, never ever interrupt them or shove your business card right in front of their faces.

That is just outright r.u.d.e

Instead, what you should do is smile and nod your head to acknowledge the presence of everyone in the group. Then listened intently until he or she has finished their conversation, before you join in and offer your two cents.



Be An Excellent Communicator

When you speak, articulate and communicate your thoughts and views clearly. Don't muddle everything up or go around beating the bush until you confuse yourself and others.

Always check the reaction and facial expression of others as you speak, to ensure your audience understood what you are trying to convey.

Don't speak like a bullet train. You are not rushing to save the world. Pace yourself and take your time to allow others to absorb and comprehend what you are trying to say.

Last but not least, don't commit verbal diarrhoea. Doesn't mean that you are knowledgeable and experienced in that particular area you can hog the entire conversation. Allow time for others to offer their perspective, for the conversation to flow. That's how you learn.

The key is to speak wisely and if you really have nothing intelligent to say, just keep quiet and listen instead. No one can fault you for being quiet.



These are some quick tips to help you network like a pro.

Which of these tips do you find most helpful to you?

Share your thoughts and comment below.

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I have been actively attending networking events... agree with your points..

2 more points I find most useful:

  1. networking is not a one time event, you need to attend events (same organiser, same events type and probably location
  2. Offer to help where you can and keep your promises. If you can help my referring them to someone, please make sure you do so and if you promise to show up at their company event, make sure you attend.

Valid points there @orangila. You get better at networking with practise. After all, practise makes perfect right? And yes, being helpful does go a long way in leaving a lasting impression on others.

Yes... but my point is not so much of practice and brushing up soft skills... but to break the ice or stranger barrier.. meaning that there is a difference between "Yes, I met Mr. ABC before and he is a nice guy who works as IT Analyst for IBM" and "Yes, Ms XYZ are best friends, we have known each other for years, in fact, I was at her home for Christmas BBQ Party and she has lovely cats. And her knowledge in the field of SEO is unparalleled".. I know a lot of successful people and they are friends with people who are equally successful, and there is a reason why they are so close and know each other very well....

Yes, simply because each of them took time to build relationship with others and that's what makes the real difference. It extends beyond just the usual "Hi!" and "Bye"

Yeah... like I always say, networking ends when you are in a casket

Great tips for networking. Next step, to get out there to put these ideas to work. The Business Network International (BNI) is a great platform for this. You can check out a meeting in your city to request to attend one of their meetings here

Thanks @acdevan. Yes, I have a lot of my entrepreneurial friends are part of the local chapters in BNI and I personally think the giver's gain concept is good. However, the time commitment and the 6am rule can a bit restrictive though

In Singapore the meetings start at 0730h & end by 0900h. There are some chapters that have their meetings in the evenings. I was a member of the BNI Gateway chapter in Singapore for about 2 years. There are many things that I like about the BNI philosophy & process; but I left because I did not get suitable referrals for my trade.

Yeah, the referrals by and large depends on the quality of the members of that particular BNI chapter. Some unfortunately couldn't deliver despite being a member of the chapter for a long time, they didn't see the need to uphold their name and do a good job

Yes yes yes! Thanks for the tips!
SMILE is indeed one of the most important "weapon" we have... We can never go wrong in almost all events with SMILE (except for funeral lah, of coz)

LOL! Yes, so use the "weapon" wisely


Thank you for swinging by and reading it @dawitnet. If you like it, do me a favour and Upvote it, Resteem or Follow me. Have a good day!

I always lose myself in the introduction. Literally, I have no idea what to say the moment people look at me in the eyes ;_;

Great article though, will apply these tips!! Thanks @karinzdailygrind

No worries @aaronmcheong. I m pretty sure you are not alone in this. Perhaps you can start by complimenting the other party or speak about a current event that is in the news or any topics of interests to break the ice. Cracking some jokes helps too. Thanks for reading and hope it helps :)

All fantastic tips. I know that feeling all to well, but also breeze by it a lot, lol. I hope this helps those that deal with it differently. I promise y'all, people don't bite!

Lol! I'm sure you won't bite @mental-extract. You probably chew them slowly first before gulping them down at one go eh? Thanks for dropping by and reading my post. Have an awesome day!

LOL, just nibble, hahahah. You, too!

Great tips!

They seem simple but we often forget them as we go about "networking".

Nowadays I'm just trying to be a better listener.

Yup, me too. Heard of the Biblical saying "Be quick to listen and slow to speak?" :) These are words of wisdom indeed

Very good tips! Networking requires good amount of self-confidence, but I believe self-confidence is something to be practiced - like fake it till you make it!

Have a nice day :)

Thank you @katarinamiliv for dropping by and commenting. Yes, having a high amount of self esteem and self confidence helps a person to overcome the initial nervousness and fear but it can only come over time with practise. So the key thing is really practise.

You have an awesome day too!

Some very good points on networking here. So much of it comes down to understanding the art of communication. Yes there are rules to it I guess, but common sense also. And valuing yourself enough not to let fear hold you back. Thanks for the pointers.

Thanks @naquoya for reading and commenting. There are certainly no hard and fast rule when it comes to networking. In fact, these are basic steps to get one started. As one move along into the networking game, they will eventually be able to master the art of communication which they can apply it anywhere.

Have a good day!

This is very true, and here in Steemit we have a wonderful place to apply what we learn. All the best to you.

Yeah indeed these are great tips ! I also find one personally effective is to be genuine about yourself while building the rapport with people around. In some networking, I find it tough, while some I just glide through.

Totally agree @carmenraec. Being genuine and authentic is the best way to go. Lying about who you are or putting on a mask will only be at the cost of your own detriment. People will eventually uncover who you are behind the mask. Thanks for dropping by and commenting

yeah. that's for sure.. and i still find people putting a mask of who they are not. I bet it is very tiring for them to upkeep that image. Let's just be our amazing self.. hehehee..

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