There Is Only One Way to Make Money

in #business3 days ago

First of all, I want to clarify what I mean when I say there is only one way to make money. I am not saying that you can literally only do one thing to make money. I am not suggesting that there is only one job that will generate income for you or that there is only one skill you need to exploit to have a stable financial life. What I want to convey in this article is that everything that generates money, everything that pays, everything that produces remuneration, is connected by the same concept. Although there are thousands of jobs and skills for which you can get paid, any job you imagine falls under this same concept. What I aim to show in this article is that relationship, that concept which I consider crucial for any business and way of making money, and what you should do to achieve "success" (this is just my opinion, and you are welcome to debate if you find anything incorrect). Let me explain.
To understand what I want to explain, it is essential to grasp an idea that, although it seems obvious, is the core of this article: money is merely an instrument of exchange, a means to another end, a tool we use only because we live in society and need each other. Without society, there is no money, as it would have no reason to exist. From salt, metals, and food, to today’s paper, the only reason we began using this tool called money is because we are not the only people in the world; we must coexist. This simple and logical idea is crucial because it allows us to deduce the following:

What is the relationship between the work of a pianist and that of a construction worker?

At first glance, there seems to be no direct relationship. One plays keys and the other builds walls and moves materials; they are completely different jobs. But the reality is that both people provide something to someone else. The pianist provides satisfaction, pleasure, or happiness to those who pay to listen to him, and the construction worker provides his physical strength and construction knowledge in exchange for payment. It is this idea of exchange that summarizes all existing and future jobs. This concept encompasses all possible jobs and is what you need to know to make money with anything. If you want to make money, you must provide something to another person. It doesn’t have to be something physical or material, as that wouldn’t explain why artists make money without breaking rocks like miners do. What you can provide to another person is very varied: something physical, an idea, physical effort, emotional well-being, entertainment, pleasure, and I could go on naming many things. You decide what you want to do, but if you don’t provide something to another person, if you don’t contribute something that turns what you do into an exchange, you will never make money.
You must keep this in mind. You, I, and everyone depend on others. Remember: without society, there is no money. Do you want to make money? Contribute something to the world, or even to just one person, and that will be enough to start a path to wealth and "success." Your audience is important, and all you need to do is provide them with something. This is the only way to make money.
Maybe this was obvious, maybe it seems like I discovered something trivial, or maybe you found it interesting. Whatever the case may be, this is just my way of thinking expressed to you, nothing more than that.


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