What is a charismatic leader?

in #business6 years ago (edited)

Be a leader

There are those who seem to be natural leaders who manage to influence people with great ease. We see it in all aspects of our day to day, both at work and in social and political life, as well as among our friends. They are charismatic people who, with simple and simple actions, manage to influence others. These charismatic leaders often awaken attraction in other people, just as a magnet is attracted to metal.

The charismatic leaders

Being a good leader and being a charismatic leader is not the same. Charismatic leaders seem to have a natural ability to take control of a room, a meeting or a situation. They show hope, optimism and strength, and project these qualities in the people they lead.

Specifically, charismatic leaders are characterized by having the following qualities:

  • They have a strong vision that supports the values ​​of their followers.
  • They are good at communicating with their audience: They tell relatable stories and get people's attention.
  • They have confidence: They believe in themselves and do not show doubt or fear.
  • They are optimistic: They visualize their mission and believe that they can make it happen.
  • Not only do they lead, but they also protect the people they lead.
  • They build an emotional bond with their followers.
  • Skills to influence others
  • People are not born charismatic. Charisma is acquired through knowledge and practice. Charismatic leaders "make followers - highly committed to the leader's mission, make meaningful personal sacrifices and perform beyond duty," says Robert
  • House, a business professor at the Wharton School.

These are some key skills that will help you to develop a charismatic leadership and, therefore, to influence others. They will serve you for your work, personal and family life.

Speak with purpose

They say that a wise man speaks because he has something to say, while a fool speaks because he has to say something. To influence others, definitely, you have to have something to say, something that really interests others and provokes in them the need to take action.

Make others feel interesting and important

When people feel valued they are more willing to listen and act. When people feel an active part of what they are saying they find their place in the world, they are able to share a purpose.

Measure the situation

Pay attention to your audience, whether it is an individual conversation or a large meeting. Observe the body language of people, their expressions. Detect the most influential person and go to her. This will make people participate more.

It is always present

Being present means paying attention to what is happening instead of getting caught up in your thoughts. Do not let your mind wander from thought to thought.

Act in a charismatic way

Charismatic people behave, smile and look at those with whom they are speaking in a particular way. Pay attention to your posture, to your expression. Make eye contact with people, smile. Master the handshake.

Shows passion and enthusiasm

It is difficult to influence others if your interactions do not have passion, humor or some other element of human connection and emotion. Charisma has a physical component, so pay attention to your body language.

Be authentic

Do not do what works for others if it does not fit into your style. Forcing yourself to adopt a style that is not natural will only undermine your credibility. Being authentic also means getting rid of generic answers.


With charisma you will be more influential, persuasive and inspiring in those areas where you need it. People will be attracted to you, trust you and want to learn from you. Employees, subordinates, voters, but also children, students or members of an organization or group ... Everyone will respond positively in the presence of a charismatic leader.

Thank you friend, this is all for today I hope to see you in my next publication.

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