
No.... The technology of batteries is not there yet. Might be a train like scenario of the engine / generator / electric combo... But weight is an issue.

But then again. When Evil is in control of everything we....



SEE They control the internet (Google manipulation)

HEAR They control the news media propaganda(corporate controlled thru advertisers)

SPEAK They control what we say, censorship, algorithms, shadow banning. I have experienced this several times. (they are sure trying to kill the 1st amendment, but that 2nd scares them.)

So i guess weight restrictions on WE THE PEOPLES (the ones they are controlling now) On our highways is just another rule they would be exempt from....

Money and power puts you above the law..... Like Barry / Killary.

And the ones buying everything... (Bloomburg / Soros / Big Pharma / Big Tech) ... Well, they make the rules now. We are just pesty flies to be swatted.

You know i am right. Sad but true.

Howdy today sir krazzytrukker!!!! Oh. Well I was hoping to see some wild looking electric trucks soon. Not really. lol. I still have a hard time understanding how that will work with so many difficult situations in parking, delivering, fueling, etc etc.

They got big cargo drones now, maybe they'll just go that way.

Yes sir, I agree with everything you said except I don't know what "shadow banning" is. What the heck is that or is that just a hillbilly term you made up?

Facebook started that back around 2015-16.

They let you post. Never tell you no one is able to see it. Cyber Nerds are Cowards.

A Cowardly way of Censorship..... Shadow Banning is REAL......

oh ok. You sure they just don't like truck drivers?

They pretty much want to destroy anything christian, american and that has historical value.

It is what globalists do..... Destroy from within. Research Soros.

Yes exactly. I know enough about that evil scumbag I don't need to research him.

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