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RE: Death Wish Coffee: From Flat Broke To The #4 Selling Food Product In The World

in #business5 years ago

Shreveport huh? You able to get any Cajun food while you're in the area?

A truck almost ran Mrs. J off the road tonight coming home from work. Dang near every day she sees a big rig driving like a drunk sailor or cutting her off or something, didn't used to be that way.

By the time they replace the drivers with driverless trucks the statistics will look pretty good for the driverless even if they kill a few people!


Lets think this thru Jonboy........

Big Tech,(electronic logs = Qualcomm) Big Pharma (drug screening) and Big Trucking Companies have Bought and Paid (Lobbyists in DC) They now own the FMC$A (fed motor carrier $afety assoc)

Most of this corruption was under Barry Satearo (muslim name: Barrak Hussien Obama)

Now that We got that out of the way.....

Do You think Auto Bot Trucks would have a prayer of being on our highways, (Highways We bought and paid for with hard earned tax dollars) that they now want to toll while still taxing us for them......

Auto Trucks would not be considered if the highways were safe..... So what do they do....?

Under trained foreign drivers (meat in the seat) electronic micro-manager harassment device (ELD) 1 size fits all hours of service that are a joke. over regulation, masquerading as safety.
A never ending driver shortage..... there was a driver shortage when i started in 1992. why is there a shortage..... Bacause--->

Again..... Auto Trucks would not be considered if the highways were safe..... So what do they do....?

Please get Mrs J a dashcam right away. And have her stay as far away from the trucks whenever possible. consider a diff, non (less) truck route.

because it will get worse...... MUCH WORSE

It has 2 get much worse...... So..... Auto Trucks WILL BE Considered....

Auto Trucks would not be considered if the highways were safe..... So what do they do....? "True Story"

I thought the whole reason for auto trucks was to save and make more money. They could run them 24 hours a day and not have to pay health insurance or anything.

B I N G O....!!!

Ding ding ding..... We have a winner.....!!!!

It is ALL ABOUT THE.......!!

**$$$$$$ B E N J A M I N S $$$$$$

But the only way to make the American People Accept AUTO BOTS on their highways is to first make slaughter-ways out of the highways..... You get it now...??? Follow Da Money.......

That sounds kinda cruel sir krazzytrukker. Who thought up that plan? Well 5G is supposed to allow them to do it real soon here, but are these gonna be electric trucks?

No.... The technology of batteries is not there yet. Might be a train like scenario of the engine / generator / electric combo... But weight is an issue.

But then again. When Evil is in control of everything we....



SEE They control the internet (Google manipulation)

HEAR They control the news media propaganda(corporate controlled thru advertisers)

SPEAK They control what we say, censorship, algorithms, shadow banning. I have experienced this several times. (they are sure trying to kill the 1st amendment, but that 2nd scares them.)

So i guess weight restrictions on WE THE PEOPLES (the ones they are controlling now) On our highways is just another rule they would be exempt from....

Money and power puts you above the law..... Like Barry / Killary.

And the ones buying everything... (Bloomburg / Soros / Big Pharma / Big Tech) ... Well, they make the rules now. We are just pesty flies to be swatted.

You know i am right. Sad but true.

Howdy today sir krazzytrukker!!!! Oh. Well I was hoping to see some wild looking electric trucks soon. Not really. lol. I still have a hard time understanding how that will work with so many difficult situations in parking, delivering, fueling, etc etc.

They got big cargo drones now, maybe they'll just go that way.

Yes sir, I agree with everything you said except I don't know what "shadow banning" is. What the heck is that or is that just a hillbilly term you made up?

Facebook started that back around 2015-16.

They let you post. Never tell you no one is able to see it. Cyber Nerds are Cowards.

A Cowardly way of Censorship..... Shadow Banning is REAL......

oh ok. You sure they just don't like truck drivers?

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