
Haha! I've been doing the same... since... let me count (shit, I'm getting old)... ehm... 2004. LOL

When I started working at a company, the motto was

"Quality First, Customer Always" <-- Quality
then it went to
"Revenue is King" <-- Cost
and then there was
"Strive for 95" (95% of product reached the customer on time or better). <-- Time

They seem to be swinging back to cost again for this next cycle with free cash flow.

P.S. I'm glad you are back. :-)

It's as you said: an endless fight inside that magical triangle.
These are all powerful claims, and every single one has its own right to exist. It's a question of focus that surely depends on the market segment you're in and the product you're dealing with.

PS: I'm happiest, too! Feels good to be back. Thank you :)

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