Want To Improve Your Business? Follow These 3 Ways at Workplace Vegetable Garden

in #business4 years ago

Business is getting harder. You really wanted a contract with that big company. But your competitors managed to undercut you. You wonder how you can attract more customers.

You know you have great employees that are doing a great job. But all that stress at the workplace is building up. And you want to do something to help them.

You know you have to do something. But what can you?

Do you have the time and resources for this?

Don’t worry.

There’s a way to help your business, your employees, and your customers while making the world a better place.

All you need to do is grow a workplace vegetable garden.

What is a workplace vegetable garden?
A workplace vegetable garden is a garden that your employees work on.

This could be a small garden outdoors, a container garden on the rooftop, or a large community garden.

The important thing is to have a garden space where employees are encouraged to plant a vegetable garden.

Why can a workplace vegetable garden improve your business?
Won’t planting a garden be expensive?

That’s what you might be thinking if I tell you to plant a workplace vegetable garden.

But let’s take a look at why it can help increase your business in many ways.

Customers will want to do business with you
What’s the most important thing to increase business?

It’s trust.

And what better way to improve the trust in your business than helping other people.

Once you have your workplace garden producing fruits and vegetables, you can donate it to food banks and schools in need. Or sell them to your employees with the money donated to charity.

Your customers will be happy to work with a business that cares about making an impact. And they’ll let other potential customers know about it.

Your employees will love to work for you
Your employees are key to your business. And they’re doing a good job.

But working hard can be stressful. And high levels of stress affect your employees’ productivity and increases absenteeism.

A workplace vegetable garden is exactly what the doctor has ordered to reduce stress.

Working outdoors in the garden helps employees get the sunlight they need. They breathe fresh air and get a chance to be involved in nature.

A report written by Ulrika A Stigsdotter shows how a workplace garden can have positive effects on lowering stress on employees.

Walking out into the garden just for a couple of minutes is enough to give them a boost of rejuvenation.

Canada Drugs is using a workplace garden to help its 200 employees feel good about themselves.

People working in high-stress environments tend to eat poorly. And that reflects in their health.

Your employees will be proud of the work they put in the garden. And they’ll consume a lot of the fruits and vegetables they grow. Which helps improve their health even more.

Happy and healthy employees are satisfied employees. Satisfied employees are productive employees. And productive employees will be an asset to your business.

Your business will save some money
Business costs money.

And it would be good for business if you could save some.

One such expense could be spending on your employees’ team-building activities. Off-site travel and programs cost a lot of money.

The idea is to keep your employees engaged, motivated, and happy. But a workplace garden can do the same thing at almost no cost.

Growing a garden is a team-building activity itself where your employees will have to work together.

People from different departments who have never interacted would meet each other as they plant, weed, water, and harvest in the garden.

Food costs seem to be rising every day. And that’s something a vegetable garden can help you with.

Your workplace vegetable garden will grow plenty of produce you can use for food in the canteen. This will help lower the food bills while providing your employees will healthy, nutritious, and tasty fruits and vegetables.

Some businesses like Haberman use the workplace garden as business development and recruiting tool. They share the produce with potential clients in the organic food space. And use the garden as a perk while hiring employees.

A workplace garden will help your business go green.

More than 30% of carbon dioxide emissions occur while trying to heat or cool buildings. A rooftop garden can help dissipate the heat in summers and insulate the workplace in winters. This will help you save a lot on your energy bill.

12% of roofs are “green” in Germany already, and Tokyo law requires at least 20% of all new roofs to be “green”.

Doing business is hard.

But there are certain things that make it a bit easier.

And one of them is a workplace vegetable garden.

It has benefits for your company, for your employees, and for your customers.

And there’s nothing to lose but everything to gain in growing one.

Start your workplace vegetable garden. And make the corporate world a better place.


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