ICANN broadsides my website.

in #business6 years ago

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It's actually more than just ICANN, but I'll start there. Monday I saw this notice on my Flying-Higher.com site:


It says 24-48 hours from this notice, but it has been quite a bit more than 48 hours now and it is still there.

Seeing this notice on my site caused me to log into my hosting company, of course and that is where I found the next unexpected change; my host has given my account (with 4 sites) to some other company. I had been happy with my host, IXWebhosting for many years and now this... I will not be letting them keep my business.

Nobody wants their website disturbed as it is usually the portal to their business or whatever offerings they have. What really aggravates me is that I am currently involved in a traffic campaign as well as trying to attract new clients with my site right now. Not to mention the pretty consistent work I have been putting into the content and design of the site.

I have been thinking a lot lately about hosting my sites myself. Admittedly, self hosting wouldn't save me from this ICANN debacle, but it would save me from the other problems. I will have to buy a new editing machine some time this year and this machine I'm using should more than suffice for hosting my websites.

Scott Gregory - Flying-Higher.com

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