in #business7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

I was just struggling with how to help my client with keeping her going to achieve her body transformation. She is training with me for some time and until now she was motivated, she had energy and enthusiasm, but for some time now I was seeing that she is losing those sparkle in her eyes whenever we met and consequently our workouts were not where I want them to be, to get her to the final point. So I was thinking how to get her back on track again and I decided to simply give her my own map whenever I find myself in a situation like this and I wanted to share it with you.

Whenever it comes down to my goals or my future plans I want to achieve, (and I am not talking just about workout goals) this formula personally helped me get the results I wanted in almost every field I find myself in, for example in business industry, relationship, graduation, job application, raise or love...


We all need something that push us forward! Those people who have a real plan, I simply call it »why«, behind their journey, you will feel it, you will see it and you will see them get things done, because they have that system that produces the energy they need and when they feel like quitting or just take a rest, their ability to see the final result keep them going. When I train with my clients I always ask them why you want to lose weight, or why you want to become healthier? And you can tell which one of them will get what tey want right away. Now the important thing, when you try to define your why and for me the most important is to listen to yourself and allow yourself to be selfish. If you're why is to be rich to buy yourself a nice house, then just be it, If you want to succeed because you want to have a lot of money to be financially secured, just be it. Don't be ashamed to want things for yourself first, because only when you feel good and confident and you are in good health and wealth situation you will be able to give 100% back to people and environment around yourself whatever that means.


Nothing big can't be done in one day. You need to have short and long terms goals. We usually overestimate what we can do in 1 year but on the other hand, we underestimate how much can be done in a period of 10 years! So take a piece of paper and start writing, what is your goal and what are the things that you can do right now with what you have and as soon as possible, incorporate these activities into your daily mindset and routine. This will keep you going from day to day, plus let's be honest nothing taste as good as accomplish a daily goal(s) that you set to achieve. On the other hand, your long-term goal(s) will give you the energy, keep you on your way and help you to find the right path to get there and step over the small obstacles on your way to your final success.


If I could choose what my superpower would be, it would probably be the ability to read faster and to process information faster. I bet you have already, at least once, been in a situation when you said, Oh man, if only I knew...We are living in a world full of information everywhere around us, but the real challenge is to pick up the right ones. So in this step, processing the right information and building your strategy is the key.


Now that you have your goal, strong why that will keep you going and the right strategy, you actually need to decide when and where the work will be done.This step, you will have to figure it out by yourself alone. Are you one of those who are effective by working non-stop, or maybe you need your Sunday off or maybe you are organized and disciplined enough to work on your goals after you come home from work. I would say that it's all about priorities and how strong is your why. If you are younger/single it would probably be a little easier than a mother with 3 young babies, but in these tricky moments, remember your why and your strong will and I am a true believer of saying that where is the will there is a path.


And this is an important one. You have no idea how many people end the story before they got to this step. You have no idea how many people with so many crazy business ideas, but they never get a chance to see the light of the day.
I want to be honest with you. For years I was struggling with this one. I was simply unable to take action, it was killing me, I was planning, organizing, but there were no results because at the final line I wasn't sure and I doubt in myself and my idea and I was just stuck in the time of thinking what should I do? Should I do this project or should I stick to my job, blablabla.

Let me tell you something and let me also finish with this.
Even if you find your goal, even if you have your why or find the best strategy, even if you actually start doing it, before you don't cross your final line, you 'll never know if it was the right decision and what I learned on my way is that during the process I found even better idea or even better person came around and offered me a job, or gave me another idea so I got even better mindblowing thoughts... See what I am saying? It's usually the process that defines your journey.

So find what you like and what you are good at, be kind and open to new things and others people perspectives.
You have one life and as far as I can see, it goes pretty fast. So, do whatever you want to do and you will find out, that experience is the best teacher. Next time something about our goals and how to set them ...

And hey, if you are up to, let us know what is your goal, where do you want to succeed and why? Until then,


Stay Strong ;)

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