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RE: Living Advertisement Free - Don't Ask Me To Disable My Ad-Blocker So I Can Read Content You Didn't Create

in #business7 years ago

Wow, very well said...and I am with you 100%. I sometimes switch on the radio while hammering metal, but now it is like 3 songs, 4 ads...and yes, I also leave pages who ask me to turn off the ad blocker.

I have not watched TV for over 20 years, and yet we will be driving down the highway and suddenly "He likes it!, Hey Mikey!" or "January, chow chow chow chow chow" comes creeping out of some dark place in my mind.
It is crazy Bernays infiltration at it's worst!!


Maybe if I watched more modern TV, the new jingles would crowd out the old ones.

And why does radio only play four or five songs over and over again? The content there is almost as bad as the advertising.

Haha, right? They don't even do jingles anymore though, it is all psycho-babble about how someones life was in shambles until they found ___ to make it better. Or 'sincere' business owners speaking on how they value their customers and stand by their work. Or little speeches that resemble online feedback, like five stars in sentences.
I fear the old jingles playing over the psycho-babble in my mind...

Luckily we have a good classic rock station here that does play a good variety, but still hard to listen with all the ads.

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