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RE: Survey-- I just wanted to see if you would be interested

in #business6 years ago

I don't know If I have the clout around here to create a niche but if there is a hole to fill, that's usually what I'm good at. Then as another awesome Alabama/Texan would say "If I help enough people get what they want, I can have what I want"-- Zig Ziglar. Paraphrased that a bit...


howdy tonight sir coinsandchains! yes of course, Zig Ziglar. "You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
Of course when he was talking to MLM groups that "enough other people" part meant thousands!

Well, it sounds like you've indentified a good niche to go into. That's pretty cool don't you think?

Well, I don't know if it's a good niche or not but It's definitely something to try out.
lol, I agree on the MLM thing, which goes along with another pattern that I've noticed. Your reward for helping others is directly proportional to the value to each person. You needed thousands in MLM's because the relative value of your service to them was very low. If you provide a higher valued service, you can provide it to fewer people...

yes sir coinsandchains that's a good point sir..I tried mlms off and on for years but never made squat. I suppose you were too smart for that?

lol, not entirely. Either my wife or I have been in 6 or 7 companies, I haven't been in one in several years, but I actually enjoy it. I think it is the culture that I like, that and the education.
We never made any huge amounts, but would usually come close to breaking even. We actually did pretty good with Mary Kay, built it from 0 to 10,000 in inventory, making about 1000 a month. Until my wife came in one afternoon and said she didn't want to do it anymore.... I was floored, we were bringing in around 4k per month from our jobs with 2 kids and another on the way....
It was the only one that we had real potential with.

Here's the thing though, I got educated through the process. I learned how to fail, how to sell, how to speak in public, how businesses and tax systems worked, how to set goals, and on and on. I actually credit a large portion of my subsequent successes to being in MLM companies. I used what I learned to completely change career paths, and make a 6 figure income with a highschool education, in a position that typically required a master degree. I actually earned my bs degree(useless piece of paper) while working as a CIO.

So I really think everyone should try MLM, if for nothing else than the education, and learning how to sell. Most of our interactions with other people are just sells in some form or another.
Oh, that's enough for now, I have a call in 2 minutes... back to work.

oh wow sir coinsandchains! that is an amazing story there, I've always heard tragic stories of people failing in mlms after spending tens of thousands of dollars so this is very unusual.

But the average person has like a 1 percent chance of succeeding in mlm! lol. well, maybe not that low but it's got to be pretty low right?

It's so unusual to find and be able to succeed in one that it pains me to hear of you guys succeeding and then quitting! lol. oh man!

There is one that I love the concept of which is helping alot of people and I'm just a free member but I'm still thinking about it and that's karatbars.
I love the concept of getting gold into the hands of regular people all over the world who are barely making it..and helping them to build wealth a little at a time.

I'm floored by how much you've learned from mlm, you took it seriously though and most people don't.

I think one of the keys is WORK. Most people bill MLM as get rich quick, easy money. We didn't go in with that attitude. Carolyn's step-mother sponsored her(she was a director level with a car) and let us sell out of her inventory at cost until we had enough for the first order. We knew going in it would not be easy. We would do 2 shows a week and fill orders for existing customers. We learned real quick you have to have inventory on hand to make sales, and to get the discount at 50% you had to order $200 of product.
It took a year of that cycle to get to that point, I think she was just burnt out, plus she did not enjoy it. She actually wears little makeup herself so she felt fake selling it.

Usually when you hear of people who have that much money invested and lose it, the company folded or got sued. If they are investing that much they are typically making a good bit of money. Like you said most people fail, but most people who fail have just a little invested $100-1500, and invest little time into themselves and the business. What I have found is that most don't treat it like a business, actually that may be the key. It's a business and must be treated and worked as a business.

The learning part is my personality type, I can learn from just about anyone. I will do something in order to learn faster than I will to have fun. I pretty much think of learning as fun.

LOL, like now I have to learn about karatbars, I had seen the link on your blog page, so that will get you a referral...

Hey, one thought about MLM, do you know who the best people to recruit are?

Preachers.... think about it.

They are used to leading people, The tend to followers needs, they are typically caring, they are comfortable or good at public speaking, they are used to explaining complex subject in simple terms(sometimes...), they sell people on an idea that is pretty much intangible and denied by loads of critics, and they should have impeccable integrity, passion, generosity, etc....

haha! sir coinsandchains! that last paragraph is really good but it would make my wife furious! haha! she has seen alot of preachers get people involved in mlms and they lose money everytime, the people not necessarily the preachers.

Well, I stopped with karatbars before I started because I know it or any good mlm can be good if you have a way to reach masses of people which I don't and didn't want to spend on advertising.

I haven't shelved the idea totally though because it's different than nutritional products or other things because the monthly investment people are making is building their wealth slowly each month and in some countries it could mean the difference between losing their house or keeping it after just a couple of years.

But anyway let me know your professional opinion about it. One thing I thought at first is that the gold is way overpriced until I listened to a presentation about that and then I was convinced that it isn't.

Is your wife's step-mother still doing it, what is it, Mary Kay?

lol, well that is the way of mlm... They are great at recruiting, which is usually the issue, they recruit rather than sell because there is more money in it. However, you need a supply of customers, not just recruits who buy...
Well, I signed up under you so I could take a look. Their gold prices are a little high, I would probably need to see that presentation, I can tell you the reason it is high. They are charging you for their basic 1g card $25 to certify it and stick in on a card... I can come within a couple euro of their price adding bonus structure on to the market 1 gram price. The commision is not great unless your organization can sell a few of the VIP packets, provided you bought a VIP packet yourself.
The design your own branded card is a nice touch though, if they were closer to $50 versus $77 It would go over pretty good to brand a steemit one.
Their 100 gram card is not too bad in price.

Her stepmom has since quit as well, she just shows horses and dogs now. (this was almost 20 years ago.)

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